Students: Incomings

Welcome at the Faculty of Law!

We currently have partnerships with 47 universities in 21 countries. If you would like to study at our faculty as an exchange student within the framework of  Erasmus+ or one of our partnerships outside Europe, please apply to your home university as the first step. If you are accepted, the responsible International Officer of your home university will nominate you for studies at the University of Bremen. You will then receive an e-mail from our International Office with all the information required for your subsequent online application to the University of Bremen.

If there is as yet no partnership agreement with your university or your faculty, please contact the responsible Coordinator of your home university or International Officers of our faculty - if both sides are interested, there is always the possiblity of a new partnership agreement being concluded.

You may also apply directly to the University Bremen for acceptance as a visiting student (free mover).

More information about applications from abroad, preparatory studies, undergraduate studies or study opportunities for refugees can be found on these pages:


Your first contact will be the International Office, which offers introduction courses, a language course and  newcomer service:


If you require advice on the selection of courses or have any further questions, please contact the Faculty Officers for International Relations and Erasmus+,  Prof. Christoph Schmid and Ms Kerstin True-Biletski.

All courses offered at our faculty are open to guest students. It is also possible to attend courses at other faculties, though you should apply to the course lecturer for permission first. In addition, there are courses taught in English for guest students of all faculties. All courses are listed in the Course Catalogue of the University of Bremen.

Most courses at the Faculty of Law are taught in German, there are also a few courses taught in English. Please note that a sufficient command of the chosen course language is required – minimum standard B1, if possible B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Please contact Ms True-Biletski for the preparation of the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Record. The Learning Agreement lists all courses chosen and the respective ECTS, it is signed by the Cooperation Officers of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen, by your home faculty and by you. You can still change courses after the semester has started. The Transcript of Records is issued on the basis of  your course certificates for the semester (?Scheine“). The ECTS course certificate form can be downloaded on the webpage of the International Office.


Please inform the course lecturer that you want to earn credits. You are not required to enrol in the University of Bremen examination management system, but you have to identify yourself as a guest student to examination supervisors.



at the Faculty of Law

Faculty Officers for International Relations and Erasmus+:

Prof. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-66203
E-Mail: cschmidprotect me ?!zerp.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Kerstin True-Biletski
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-66044
E-Mail: ktrueprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


at the International Office

Erasmus (European programme countries):
Barbara Hasenmüller
Tel. +49-421-218-60362

Worldwide (countries outside Europe):
Silke Prangemeier
Tel. +49-421-218-60364

Office hours for consultations
(VWG 0580):
Mo, Tue, Thu 9.00 - 12.00 am, Wed: 2.00 - 4.00 pm