
R. Drechsler, S. Huhn, Chr. Plump: Combining Machine Learning and Formal Techniques for Small Data Applications - A Framework to Explore New Structural Materials. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Portoro?, Slowenien, 2020, [Link zur Konferenz], [Link zum PDF]

C. Sobich, C. Gro?e, R. Drechsler, L. M?dler. Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden: Ein Projekt zur F?rderung von Technikinteresse. Resonanz, Magazin für Lehre und Studium an der Universit?t Bremen (SoSe 2020), ISSN (Print) 2510-0823, ISSN (Online) 2510-0831, S. 21-26

T. Czotscher, A. von Hehl, T. Radel, A. Toenjes: Correlation between shock wave-induced indentations and tensile strength, Procedia Manufacturing 47 (2020), 756-760

S. I. Imani Moqadam, M. Baune, I. B?sing, C. Heinzel, D. Meyer, A. Thomann, N. Wielki, N. Ellendt: Reproducibility of High-Throughput Sample Properties Produced by a High-Temperature Molten Metal Droplet Generator, Metals 2020, 10, .

N. Wielki, M. Steinbacher, D. Meyer: Multiscale Material Characterization Based on Single Particle Impact Utilizing Particle-Oriented Peening and Single-Impact Peening, Materials 2020, 13, .

H. Sonnenberg, B. Clausen: Short-Term Characterization of Spherical 100Cr6 Steel Samples Using Micro Compression Test, Materials 2020, 13, .

H. Springer, C. Baron, F. Mostaghimi, J. Poveleit, L. M?dler, V. Uhlenwinkel: Additive manufacturing of high modulus steels: new possibilities for lightweight design, Additive Manufacturing 2020, .

I. Bo?sing: Influence of Systematically Changed Martensite Content on the Passive Film Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel in Neutral Electrolyte, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2020, .

S. Hussain, C. Cui, N. Temple, V. Uhlenwinkel, L. M?dler: Porosity and microstructure of steel tubes spray-formed by close-coupled atomizer, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2020, 276, .

A. Bader, A.-K. Onken, K. Tracht: Conceptual Approach of Robustness in Logistical Control, Conference on Production Systems and Logistics 2020 .

Steinbacher M, Alexe G, Baune M, Bobrov I, B?sing I, Clausen B, Czotscher T, Riemer O, Sonnenberg H, Thomann A, Toenjes A, Vollertsen F, Wielki N, Ellendt N (2019) Descriptors for High Throughput in Structural Materials Development. High-throughput 8:2–27 .

S. I. Moqadam, L. Madler, N. Ellendt: Microstructure Adjustment of Spherical Micro-samples for High-Throughput Analysis Using a Drop-on-Demand Droplet Generator, Materials (Basel) 2019, 12, .

D. Beckers, N. Ellendt, U. Fritsching, V. Uhlenwinkel: Impact of process flow conditions on particle morphology in metal powder production via gas atomization, Advanced Powder Technology 2019,  https://10.1016/j.apt.2019.10.022 .

C. Baron, H. Springer: Property‐Driven Development of Metallic Structural Materials by Combinatorial Techniques on the Example of Fe–C–Cr Steels, steel research international 2019, .

A. Bader, A. Toenjes, N. Wielki, A. M?ndle, A.-K. Onken, A. v. Hehl, D. Meyer, W. Brannath, K. Tracht: Parameter Optimization in High-Throughput Testing for Structural Materials, Materials 2019, 12,  https://www.doi.org10.3390/ma12203439 .

R. Goodwins, S. Huhn, N. Ellendt: Creating the material world through data, one million inventions at a time, MongoDB Inc. Customer Success Story, , (2019)

A. Toenjes, N. Wielki, D. Meyer, A. von Hehl: Analysis of Different 100Cr6 Material States Using Particle-Oriented Peening, Metals 2019, 9, .

F. Meiners, A. Geppert, K. Tracht: Adh?sive Vereinzelung von Mikroprokugeln, wt-online 2019, 2019, 840-844.

S. Imani Moqadam, L. M?dler, N. Ellendt: A High Temperature Drop-On-Demand Droplet Generator for Metallic Melts, Micromachines 2019, 10, 477.

D. T. Sebastian Huhn, Rolf Drechsler: Hybrid Architecture for Embedded Test Compression to Process Rejected Test Patterns, IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Baden-Baden, Germany, 2019.

S. E. Harshad Dhotre, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Rolf Drechsler: Machine Learning-based Prediction of Test Power, IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), Baden-Baden, Germany, 2019.

M. Picklum, M. Beetz: MatCALO: Knowledge-enabled machine learning in materials science, Computational Materials Science 2019, 163, 50-62

T. Czotscher, D. Otero Baguer, F. Vollertsen, I. Piotrowska-Kurczewski, P. Maa?: Connection between shock wave induced indentations and hardness by means of neural networks. AIP Conf Proc 2113 (2019) 1–6 . [Link zum PDF]

S. Huhn, D. Tille, R. Drechsler: A Hybrid Embedded Multichannel Test Compression Architecture for Low-Pin Count Test Environments in Safety-Critical Systems, International Test Conference in Asia (ITC-Asia), Tokyo, Japan, 2019.

B. Ustaoglu, S. Huhn, F. S. Torres, D. Gro?e, R. Drechsler: SAT-Hard: A Learning-based Hardware SAT-Solver, EUROMICRO Digital System Design Conference (DSD), Kallithea - Chalkidiki, Greece, 2019.

F. Meiners, A. Bader, J. Beerepoot, K. Tracht: Releasing Strategies for Gecko-Inspired Microgrippers, Tagungsband des 4. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter 2019 in press.

A. Fischer: Limiting Uncertainty Relations in Laser-Based Measurements of Position and Velocity Due to Quantum Shot Noise, Entropy 2019, 21,

C. Baron, H. Springer: On the effect of Ni additions to Fe – Cr – B high modulus steels, Materials & Design 2019, 167,

Beinhauer, A.; Vetter, K.; Heinzel, C.; Riemer, O.; Frei?e, H.: Influence of the alloy composition on acoustic emission signals in discontinuous micro turning. In: Proceedings of the 19th euspen International Conference & Exhibition, Bilbao, Spain (2019), S. 402–403.

L. Langst?dtler, H. Pegel, B. Beckschwarte, M. Herrmann, C. Schenck, B. Kuhfuss: Flexible tooling for impulse forming, Procedia Manufacturing 2019, 27, 8

A. Toenjes, H. Sonnenberg, C. Plump, R. Drechsler, A. von Hehl: Measurement and Evaluation of Calorimetric Descriptors for the Suitability for Evolutionary High-Throughput Material Development, Metals 2019, 9, 149 10.3390/met9020149.

N. Wielki, D. Meyer: Potential of deep rolling as a finishing process directly after SLM to generate beneficial surface and subsurface properties, 19th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology, Bilbao (Spain), 2019.

N. Ciftci, N. Ellendt, G. Coulthard, E. Soares Barreto, L. M?dler, V. Uhlenwinkel: Novel Cooling Rate Correlations in Molten Metal Gas Atomization, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019,

Czotscher, T., Wielki, N., Vetter, K., Vollertsen, F., Meyer, D. Rapid Material Characterization of Deep-Alloyed Steels by Shock Wave-based Indentation Technique and Deep Rolling. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, (2019). [Link zum PDF]

Huhn, S., Frehse, S., Wille R., Drechsler, R. Determining Application-Specific Knowledge for Improving Robustness of Sequential Circuits. IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems.
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Huhn, S., Eggersglü?, S., Drechsler, R. Enhanced Embedded Test Compression Technique for Processing Incompressible Test Patterns. 31. GI/GMM/ITG Testmethoden und Zuverl?ssigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen. 2019. Prien am Chiemsee, Germany. [Link zum Workshop] [Link zum PDF]

K?mmler, J., Wielki, N., Guba, N., Ellendt, N., Meyer, D. Shot peening using spherical micro specimens generated in high-throughput processes. Materials Science & Engineering Technology 50, pp. 5-13. [Link zum PDF]

L. Langst?dtler, H. Pegel, M. Herrmann, C. Schenck, D. St?bener, J.F. Westerkamp, A. Fischer, B. Kuhfuss: Electrohydraulic extrusion of spherical bronze (CuSn6) micro samples, 8th International Conference on High Speed Forming, Columbus - Ohio - USA, 2018.

L. Langst?dtler, H. Pegel, M. Herrmann, C. Schenck, B. Kuhfuss: Electrohydraulic incremental bulk metal forming, 5th International Conference On New Forming Technology, Bremen - Germany, 2018.

Sonnenberg, H., Clausen, B. Mikrodruckprüfung an sph?rischen Proben. Tagungsband Werkstoffprüfung, 06.-07.12.2018, Bad-Neuenahr, Deutschland. Moninger, G. (Hrsg.), S. 143-148.

Mittelst?dt, C., Blanke, N., Czotscher, T., Frei?e, H., Halisch, C., Schultz, V., Simic, A., Stephen, A., Tyralla, D., Vetter, K. Aktuelle Forschungsthemen zum Laserstrahleinsatz. Schwei?en und Schneiden 70, 9 (2018) 650-657.

N. Wielki, J. K?mmler, N. Guba, D. Meyer: Material characterization utilizing process dependent descriptors, 8. WGP-Jahreskongress, pp. 412-422. [Link zum PDF]

K?mmler, J., Guba, N., Vetter, K., Vollertsen, F., Meyer, D. Material characterization by deep rolling of laser deep alloyed micro-samples. euspen's 18th International Conference & Exhibition. 2018. Venice, Italy. [Link zum PDF] [Link zur Konferenz]

K?mmler, J., Wielki, N., Meyer, D. Surface integrity after internal load oriented multistage contact deep rolling. 4th CRIP Conference on Surface Integrity. 2018. Tianjin, China. [Link zum PDF] [Link zur Konferenz]

Bader, A., Lorenz, J., Tracht, K. Logistische Steuerung für Hochdurchsatzsysteme: Struktur einer Belegungsplanung für strukturell dynamische Hochdurchsatzsysteme. wt-online, 11/12 (2017) 847-851.

Bader, A., Onken, A.-K., Tracht, K. Order Release for Temporary Paced Sequences in Flexible High Throughput Systems. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 72 (2018) 689-694.

Cornelia S. Gro?e, Claudia Sobich, Sebastian Huhn, Markus Leuschner, Rolf Drechsler, Lutz M?dler. Arduinos in der Schule
Lernen mit Mikrocontrollern. Computer+Unterricht 30 (2018), Heft 110, S. 43 - 45.

Ustaoglu, B., Huhn , S., Gro?e, D., Drechsler, R. SAT-Lancer: A Hardware SAT-Solver for Self-Verification. 28th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLVLSI). 2018. Chicago, Illinois, USA. [Link zur Konferenz]

Huhn, S., Merten, M., Eggersglü?, S., Drechsler, R. A Codeword-based Compaction Technique for On-Chip Generated Debug Data Using Two-Stage Artificial Neural Networks. 30. GI/GMM/ITG Testmethoden und Zuverl?ssigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen (TuZ 2018). 2018. Freiburg (Breisgau), Germany. [Link zum Workshop]

Ellendt, N., M?dler, L. High-Throughput Exploration of Evolutionary Structural Materials. HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials. 2018. Bremen, Germany. [Link zum PDF]

Jannis Stoppe, Christina Plump, Sebastian Huhn, Rolf Drechsler. Building Fast Multi-Agent Systems using Hardware Design Languages for High-Throughput Systems. 6th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC), Bremen, Germany, 2018 [Link zur Konferenz] [Link zum PDF]

Arne Beinhauer, Carsten Heinzel, Oltmann Riemer. Mirkozerspanuntersuchungen zur Korrelation von Zerspanbarkeitskennwerten mit Werkstoffkennwerten. Fachbeitra?ge 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Bremen, 27.-28. November 2017, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg, BIAS Verlag (2017) [Link zum PDF]

Sebastian Huhn, Heike Sonnenberg, Stephan Eggersgluess, Brigitte Clausen, Rolf Drechsler. Revealing Properties of Structural Materials by Combining Regression-based Algorithms and Nano Indentation Measurements Conference. 10th IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Hawaii, USA, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz] [Link zum PDF?(1.9 MB)]

Konstantin Vetter, Hannes Frei?e, Frank Vollertsen. High-throughput material development using selective laser melting and high power laser. 7.WGP-Jahreskongress, p. 511-518, Aachen, Germany, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz] [Link zum PDF]

Konstantin Vetter, Sven Hohen?cker, Hannes Frei?e, Frank Vollertsen. Use of additive manufacturing for high-throughput material development. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017 (LiM), Munich, Germany, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz]

Konstantin Vetter, Hannes Frei?e, Frederik Feuerhahn, Henry K?hler, Frank Vollertsen. Influence of scanning strategy on alloy generation. THE LASER USER, Issue 83, p. 32-33, 2017 [Link zum PDF]

Tobias Czotscher, Stefan Veenaas, Frank Vollertsen. Possibilities To Characterise Laser Induced Shock Waves. Journal for Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 42/1, p. 1-7, 2017, DOI: 10.24867/jtp.2017.42-1.1-7 [Link zum PDF]

Tobias Czotscher, Frank Vollertsen. Process stability of laser induced plasma for hardness measurements. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017 (LiM), Munich, Germany, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz]

Tobias Czotscher. Umformen, Fügen, Schneiden und Messen mit nur einem Laser - Abtragsfreie Laserschockprozesse. LaserMagazin, Vol. 4, p. 6-8, 2017 [Link zum PDF]

Tobias Czotscher. ANALYSIS OF TEA-CO2-LASER INDUCED PLASMA TO ESTABLISH A NEW MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE. 36th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics 2017 (ICALEO), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz]

Harshad Dhotre, Stephan Eggersglü?, Rolf Drechsler. Identification of Efficient Clustering Techniques for Test Power Activity on the Layout. 26th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Taipei, Taiwan, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz]

Sebastian Huhn, Stephan Eggersglü?, Rolf Drechsler. Reconfigurable TAP Controllers with Embedded Compression for Large Test Data Volume. 30th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Cambridge, UK, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz][Link zum PDF?(255 KB)]

Arne Beinhauer, Carsten Heinzel, Oltmann Riemer. Determination of material properties by evaluation of machinability in multi-scale precision turning. Proceedings of the 17th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology, May 29th – 2nd June 2017, Hannover, Germany, pp 130 – 131, reviewed [Link zum PDF? (243 KB)]

Sebastian Huhn, Stephan Eggersglü?, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Rolf Drechsler. Optimization of Retargeting for IEEE 1149.1 TAP Controllers with Embedded Compression. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Lausanne, Schweiz, 2017 [Link zur Konferenz] [Link zum PDF? 285 KB)]

Konstantin Vetter, Hannes Frei?e, Frederik Feuerhahn, Frank Vollertsen. Einfluss der Scanstrategie bei der Erzeugung von Legierungsvarianten für Hochdurchsatz-Untersuchungen. LASER, Vol. 4, p. 32-34, 2016 [Link zum PDF]

Drechsler, R., Eggersglü?, E., Ellendt, N., Huhn, S., M?dler, L. Exploring Superior Structural Materials Using Multi-Objective Optimization and Formal Techniques. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing & System Design (ISED), December 15-17, Patna, India, 2016.

Onken, A.-K.; Bader, A.; Tracht, K.: Logistical Control of Flexible Processes in High-throughput Systems by Order Release and Sequence Planning. In: Procedia CIRP, 52 (2016), S. 245-250.