Hexagons on rectanges: Epitaxial graphene on Ru101?0 |
Atomic vs. Sub-atomic layer deposition: impact of growth rate on the optical and structural properties of MoS2 and WS2 |
In situ Low-Energy Electron Microscopy of Chemical Waves on a Composite V-oxide Rh(110) Surface |
Low-energy electron microscopy intensity-voltage data – Factorization, sparse sampling and classification |
Oxygen Storage by Tin Oxide Monolayers on Pt3Sn(111) |
Cleaning and tailoring the Pt3Sn(111) surface for surface experiments |
Erratum to ?Complementary information on CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot local structure from extended x-ray absorption fine structures and diffraction anomalous fine structuremeasurements“ |
Unraveling van der Waals epitaxy: A real-time in-situ study of MoSe2 growth on graphene/Ru(0001) |
Preparation and stability of the hexagonal phase of samarium oxide on Ru(0001) |
Dynamic Behavior of Tin at Platinum Surfaces during Calatytic CO Oxidation |
Growth and characterization of sputter-deposited Ga2O3-based memristive devices |
Sputter-deposited ?-Ga2O3 Films With Al top electrodes for resistive random access memory technology |
Ordering of copper phthalocyanine films on functionalized Si(111) |
Phase separation within Vanadium Oxide Islands under Reaction Conditions: Methanol Oxidation at Vanadium Oxide Films on Rh(111) |
Enhanced epitaxial growth of Ga203 using an ultrathin SnO2 layer |
Growth Mechanism of Single-Domain Monolayer MoS2 Nanosheets on Au(111) |
Structural Transitions Driving Interface Pulses in Methanol Oxidation on Rh(110) and VOx/Rh(110): A LEEM Study |
The Transition From MoS2 Single-Layer to Bilayer Growth on the Au(111) Surface |
Adsorption of sulfur on Si(111) Th. Schmidt, L. Bu?, M. Ewert, G. Sch?nhoff, T. Wehling, and J. Falta Surf. Sci. 694, (2020), DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2019.121561 |
Massively Strained VO2 Thin Film Growth on RuO2 S. Fischer, J.-O. Krisponeit, M. Foerster, L. Aballe, J. Falta, and J. I. Flege Cryst. Growth Des. 20(4) (2020), 2734-2741, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c0012 DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.0c00120 |
Reaction dynamics of metal/oxide catalysts: Methanol oxidation at vanadium oxide films on Rh(111) from UHV to 10^?2 mbar |
Switching friction at a manganite surface using electric fields |
The morphology of VO2/TiO2(001): terraces, facets and cracks |
Nucleation, morphology, and structure of sub-nm thin ceria islands on Rh(111) |
Growth and structure of singly oriented single-layer tungsten disulfide on Au(111) L. Bignardi, D. Lizzit, H. Bana, E. Travaglia, P. Lacovig, Ch. E. Sanders, M. Dendzik, M. Michiardi, M. Bianchi, M. Ewert, L. Bu?, J. Falta, J.I. Flege, A. Baraldi, R. Larciprete, P. Hofmann, and S. Lizzit Phys. Rev. Mat. 3(1), (2019), 014003 |
Wafer-Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab-Compatible Graphene N. Mishra, S. Forti, F. Fabbri, L. Martini, C. McAleese, B.R. Conran, P.R. Whelan, A. Shivayogimath, B.S. Jessen, L. Bu?, J. Falta, I. Aliaj, S. Roddaro, J.I. Flege, P. B?ggild, K.B.K. Teo, and C. Coletti Small, (2019), DOI: 10.1002/smll.201904960 DOI: 10.1002/smll.201904906 |
Dynamics of the interaction between ceria and platinum during redox processes |
Growth of Epitaxial 3,4,9,10-Perylene Tetracarboxylic Dianhydride on Bi-Terminated Silicon T. Schmidt, C. Ahrens, J.I. Flege, C. Jaye, D.A. Fischer, and J. Falta Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123(12), (2019) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10396 |
High surface area SiC(O)-based ceramic by pyrolysis of poly (ethylene glycol) methacrylate-modified polycarbosilane |
Quasicrystals and their Approximants in 2D Ternary Oxides |
Layer-by-Layer Resistive Switching: Multistate Functionality due to Electric-Field-Induced Healing of Dead Layers |
In situ studies of oxide nucleation, growth, and transformation using slow electrons |
Thermal reduction of ceria nanostructures on rhodium(111) and re-oxidation by CO2 A. Schaefer, B. Hagmann, J. H?cker, U. Hejral, J.I. Flege, and J. Gustafson Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20(29), (2018), 19447-19457 DOI: 10.1039/C8CP01505H |
Cerium oxide epitaxial nanostructures on Pt(111): growth, morphology and structure |
Growth and decay of a two-dimensional oxide quasicrystal: High-temperature in situ microscopy |
Growth and structure of ultrathin praseodymium oxide layers on Ruthenium(0001) |
Ga and In adsorption on Si(112): adsorption sites and superstructure |
The cubic-to-hexagonal phase transition of cerium oxide particles: dynamics and structure |
Nanoscale analysis of oxidation state and surface termination of praseodymium oxide ultrathin films on ruthenium(0001) |
Exploiting micro-scale structural and chemical observations in real time for understanding chemical conversion: LEEM/PEEM studies over CeOx-Cu(111) |
Mazes and meso-islands: Impact of Ag preadsorption on Ge growth on Si(111) |
Carrier collection losses in interface passivated amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells |
Ultrasmooth Ru(0001) Films as Templates for Ceria Nanoarchitectures |
Growth and characterization of epitaxially stabilized ceria(001) nanostructures on Ru(0001) |
In situ growth, structure, and real-time chemical reactivity of well-defined CeOx-Ru(0001) model surfaces |
Isotropic thin PTCDA films on GaN(0001) |
Morphology and chemical composition of cobalt germanide islands on Ge(001) |
Controlling Heteroepitaxy by Oxygen Chemical Potential: Exclusive Growth of (100) Oriented Ceria Nanostructures on Cu(111) |
Role of RuO2(100) in surface oxidation and CO oxidation catalysis on Ru(0001) |
Unraveling the dynamic nanoscale reducibility (Ce4+ → Ce3+) of CeOx-Ru in hydrogen activation |
Nanoscale origin of mesoscale roughening: real-time tracking and identification of three ruthenium oxide phases in ruthenium oxidation |
Growth, structure, and stability of the high-index TbOx(112) surface on Cu(111) |
Insights into the gas phase oxidation of Ru(0001) on the mesoscopic scale using molecular oxygen |
Oxidation state analysis of ceria by XPS |
Surface resonances in electron reflection from overlayers |
Growth and evolution of nickel germanide nanostructures on Ge(001) |
Oxidation-State Analysis of Ceria by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy |
The electronic structure of homogeneous ferromagnetic (Ga, Mn)N epitaxial films |
Surface oxidation of GaN(0001): Nitrogen plasma-assisted cleaning for ultrahigh vacuum applications |
Intensity-voltage low-energy electron microscopy for functional materials characterization |
Epitaxial, well-ordered ceria/lanthana high-k gate dielectrics on silicon |
Ultrathin, epitaxial cerium dioxide on silicon |
Influence of a low-temperature capping on the crystalline structure and morphology of InGaN quantum dot structures |
Surface evolution of 4H-SiC(0001) during in-situ surface preparation and its influence on graphene properties |
Ytterbium Intercalation of Epitaxial Graphene Grown on Si-Face SiC |
Origin of chemical contrast in low-energy electron reflectivity of correlated multivalent oxides: The case of ceria |
Al-induced faceting of Si(113) |
Spatial correlation of photo-induced and thermionic electron emission from low work function diamond films |
Forschendes Lernen im Bachelor-Walpflichtfach Festk?rperphysik – Ein Pilotprojekt am Fachbereich Physik/Elektrotechnik |
Growth mode and oxidation state analysis of individual cerium oxide islands on Ru(0001) |
Colloidally prepared platinum nanoparticles deposited on iron oxide studied by XAFS |
Origin of chemical contrast in low-energy electron reflectivity of correlated multivalent oxides: The case of ceria |
Growth and morphology of Ceria on Ruthenium (0001) |
Control of epitaxial graphene thickness on 4H-SiC(0001) and buffer layer removal through hydrogen intercalation |
Nanopattering in CoOx/Cu(111): A new type of surface reconstruction and enhancement of catalytic activity |
Complementary information in CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot local structure from extended X-ray absorption fine structure and diffraction anomalous fine structure measurements. |
Silicate-free growth of high-quality ultrathin cerium oxxide films on Si(111) |
Self-limited oxide formation in Ni(111) oxidation |
In adsorption on Si(112) and its impact on Ge growth |
Cleaning and growth morphology of GaN and InGaN surfaces |
Complex surface phases of Sb on Si(113): Combining x-ray standing waves and density functional theory |
Photon stimulated desorption |
In-situ oxidation of ultrathin silver films on Ni(111) |
Mg and Si dopant incorporation and segregation in GaN |
Ultra-thin high-quality silicon nitride films on Si(111) |
Lost in reciprocal space? Determination of the scattering condition in spot profile analysis low-energy electron diffraction |
Cleaning of GaN(-2110) surfaces |
Interactions of oxygen and ethylene with submonolayer Ag films supported on Ni(111) |
Role of Palladium in Iron Based Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts Prepared by Flame Spray Pyrolysis |
Photoemission study of praseodymia in its highest oxidation state: The necessity of in situ plasma treatment |
Improved epitaxy of ultrathin praseodymia films on chlorine passivated Si(111) reducing silicate interface formation |
J. Falta and Th. Schmidt in ”Handbook of Nanophysics Functional Nanomaterials” K. D. Sattler, Edt.CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA (2010) ISBN 978-1-4200-7552-6
Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung |
Ge Growth on Partially and Entirely Ag Covered Si(111) |
On revealing the vertical structure of nanoparticle films with elemental resolution: A total external reflection X-ray standing waves study |
Ultrathin silver films on Ni(111) |
Silver: a novel growth catalyst for Ge nanoislands on Si(113) |
Local structure of uncapped and capped InGaN/GaN quantum dots |
Growth of praseodymium oxide on Si(111) under oxygen-deficient conditions |
Nanoscale analysis of Ru(0001) oxidation using low-energy and photoemission electron microscopy |
Temperature dependent low energy electron microscopy study of Ge island growth on bare and Ga terminated Si(112) |
Atomic structure of the non-polar GaN(2110) surface by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy |
Low-temperature growth of InGaN/GaN nano-islands investigated by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction |
From nanoislands to nanowires: Growth of germanium on gallium-terminated silicon surfaces |
Oxide removal from GaN(0001) |
Epitaxial graphene on ruthenium |
In situ structural imaging of CO oxidation catalysis on oxidized Rh(111) |
Atomic structure of chlorinated Si(113) surfaces |
Structural imaging of surface oxidation and oxidation catalysis on Ru(0001) |
Plasma modification of CoPt3 nanoparticle arrays - a route to catalytic coatings of surfaces |
Structural and chemical effects of plasma treatment on close-packed colloidal nanoparticle layers |
InGaN selfassembled quantum dots investigated by X-ray diffraction-anomalous-fine structure technique |
Adsorbate induced self-ordering of germanium nanoislands on Si(113) |
Formation and morphology of InGaN nano-islands on GaN(0001) |
Alignment of Ge nanoislands on Si(111) by Ga-induced substrate self-patterning |
Diffraction anomalous fine structure investigation of InGaN quantum dots |
Growth and formation of InGaN and GaN nanostructures studied by STM |
A novel approach for the growth of InGaN quantum dots |
X-ray standing wave investigations of Si dopant incorporation in GaN |
Surface Morphology and Island Shape of MOVPE Grown InGaN Nano-Island Ensembles Studied by STM |
Two to three dimensional transition of InGaN layer and influences of GaN overgrowth |
Structural investigations of GaN films with x-ray standing waves |
Growth and morphology of MOVPE grown InGaN/GaN islands |
N-plasma assisted MBE grown GaN on Si(111) |
Surface segregation of Si and Mg dopants in MOVPE grown GaN films revealed by x-ray photoemission spectro-microscopy |
Sb surfactant-mediated epitaxy of Ge on Si(113) studied by AFM, SEM and GIXRD |
Temperature dependent low energy electron microscopy study of Ge growth on Si(113) |
Spectro-microscopy of Si doped GaN films |
Less strain energy despite fewer misfit dislocations: The impact of ordering |
Grazing-incidence small-angle x-ray scattering investigation of spin-coated CoPt3 nanoparticle films |
Initial stage of silicon nitride nucleation on Si(111) by rf plasma-assisted growth |
Real-time low-energy electron microscopy study of Ga adsorption and facet array formation on Si(113) |
Self-organized 2D nanopatterns after low-coverage Ga adsorption on Si(111) |
Ordering mechanism of stacked CdSe/ZnSSe quantum dots: A combined reciprocal-space and real-space approach |
Desorption site-specificity and halogen minority sites on Si(111) |
Sb-induced reconstructions on Si(113): Adatoms as the key elements |
Surfactant mediated epitaxy of Ge on Si(111): beyond the surface |
CoPt3 nanoparticles adsorbed on SiO2: a GISAXS and SEM study |
XSW measurements of Sb on the Si(113) surface |
Small angle x-ray scattering reveals CdSe/ZnSSe quantum dot ordering |
Interfacial interactions at Au/Si3N4/Si(111) and Ni/Si3N4/Si(111) structures with ultra-thin nitride films |
Dry etching characteristics and surface reconstruction of Cl/Si(113) |
Direct investigation of very thin CdSe layers on ZnSe by out-of-plane grazing incidence x-ray diffraction |
Investigation of CdSe/ZnSSe quantum dot ordering by grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering |
Correlated stacks of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dots |
Photon-stimulated Desorption and X-ray Standing Waves |
Influence of substrate domain boundaries on surface reconstructions of Ga/Si(111) |
Spectro-microscopy of ultra-thin SiN films on Si(111) |
Subsurface interstitials as promoters of 3D growth of Ti on Si(111): An XSW, XPS and AFM investigation |
Determination of the K adsorption site on Fe(110) with XSW |
Low temperature interface structure of CaF2/Si(111) studied by combining x-ray standing waves with component-resolved photoemission |
Origin of x-ray photon stimulated desorption of Cl+ and Cl2+ ions from Cl/Si(111)-(1x1) |
Influence of capping conditions on structural properties of CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot structures |
Characterization of Ge d-doped Si(111) with RBS-channeling |
Segregation enhanced etching of Cd during Zn deposition on CdSe quantum dots |
Grazing incidence structural characterization of InAs quantum dots on GaAs(001) |
Erratum to: X-ray photon stimulated ion desorption revealed by standing waves |
Structural characterization of self-assembled InAs quantum dots grown by MBE |
Lateral distribution of buried self-assembled InAs quantum dots in GaAs |
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Nondestructive detection of stacking faults for optimization of CdSe/ZnSe quantum-dot structures |
Distribution and shape of self-assembled InAs quantum dots grown on GaAs(001) |
Strain Status of Self-assembled InAs Quantum Dots |
Ordering and Shape of Self-assembled InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs (001) |
Effects of electron irradiation on the structure and morphology of CaF2/Si(111) |
Islands as catalyst for film relaxation in Bi mediated Ge epitaxy on Si(111) |
Initial stage of the Bi surfactant mediated growth of Ge on Si(111): A structural study |
Bi: Perfect surfactant for Ge growth on Si(111)? |
X-ray photon stimulated desorption revealed by standing waves |
Giant magnetoresistance in Fe/Cr superlattices without bulk scattering |
Strain as driving force for interface roughening of d doping layers |
Structural analysis of Fe/Cr superlattices and their components |
High concentration Bi d doping layers on Si(001) |
X-ray characterization of buried d layers |
Strain induced interface roughness of Si1-xCx d layers |
K adsorption of Fe(100) studied by x-ray standing waves |
Ge d layers in Si(100) characterized by x-ray reflectivity, grazing incidence diffraction and standing wave measurements |
Stress reduction and interface quality of Sb d layers on Si(001) |
Surfactant adsorption site and growth mechanism of Ge on Ga terminated Si(111) |
Towards perfect Ge d layers on Si(001) |
X-ray interface characterization of Ge d layers on Si(001) |
Domain wall structure of Si(111)(v3xv3)R30°-Au |
Ge d-layers on Si(111) and Si(001) by MBE and SPE |
Lattice position of Fe in Fe-doped LiNbO3 |
Interface roughening of Ge d layers on Si(111) |
Surfactants in Si(111) homoepitaxy |
Kossel diffraction in nearly perfect crystals: X-ray standing waves in reverse |
Growth modes of Ge on GaAs(001) |
LEEM and MEIS studies of Ge growth on GaAs(001) |
Ga-As intermixing in GaAs(001) reconstructions |
Frustrated dimers at the CoSi2Si(001) interface |
Surfactant coverage and epitaxy of Ge on Ga terminated Si(111) |
Reply to: Comment on Structure and composition of GaAs(001) Surfaces |
MEIS investigations of Si and Ge epitaxy on GaAs(001)-c(2x8) |
Structure and composition of GaAs(001) Surfaces |
Effect of an interfacial Ti layer on the formation of CoSi2 on Si |
Ring clusters in transition metal surface structures |
Studies of crystalline defects during the early stages of growth of Si on Si(100) at low temperatures by spot profile analysis of LEED (SPA-LEED) |
Low-energy electron-diffraction profile analysis of reaction-induced substrate changes on Pt(110) during catalytic CO oxidation |
Formation of Turing structures in catalytic surface reactions: the facetting of Pt(110) in CO+O2 |
The initial stages of epitaxial growth of silicon on Si(100) 2x1 |
Spatial pattern formation in a catalytic surface reaction: the facetting of Pt(110) in CO+O2 |
Electron diffraction at stepped homogeneous and inhomogeneous surfaces |
The initial stages of growth of silicon on Si(111) by spot profile analysis of low energy electron diffraction |
SPA LEED Studies of defects in thin epitaxial NiSi2 layers on Si(111) |