(AKAD30) Keep talking – our world in conversation

With the introduction of vocabulary relevant to the subject and conversation structures, this course is designed to enable participants to engage in real life English discussion on a variety of common themes. This will include current affairs, world events and popular discussion topics. The course makes use of written, audio and visual sources that are both interesting and challenging. In addition to this we will revise the important functional language needed to understand and process the above topics.

To take part in the course you should be able to have a simple conversation about every day and familiar themes. From that basic level you will have the chance to practice for more advanced situations.

Lernmaterialien werden zur Verfügung gestellt.

Dozentin:          Mel?nia Mulder

Zeit:                   dienstags, 16:00 s.t. - 17:30 Uhr   (ab 02.04.2024)

Veranstaltungsart:    nur in Pr?senz (Akademie, Raum B 1300, 1. Stock)

Hinweis:         Mindestteilnehmerzahl: 15 Personen

Für diesen Kurs wird eine Zusatzgebühr von 40,- Euro erhoben!


Wir sind für Sie da:

Nicole Lehmkuhl
Maike Truschinski
Jaroslaw Wasik

Zentralbereich / Raum B0670
Bibliothekstra?e 2A

Mo - Fr 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Telefon: 0421- 218 61 616
Telefax: 0421 - 218 61 606
eMail: seniorenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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