
Konferenzi u laqg?at

8th Lingwistika Maltija: The next century of Maltese linguistics 

18-20 September 2023, University of Bremen (Bremen/Germany)

organized by Raffaello Bezzina, Michela Vella (Malta Centre, Malta) and Maike Vorholt (Malta Centre, Bremen)


7th Lingwistika Maltija: Contemporary Maltese: Linguistic Challenges in Communication and Translation

10-12 July 2019, Jagiellonian University (Krakau/Poland)

organized by Benjamin Saade (Malta Centre) and Przemys?aw Turek (Jagiellonian University)

6th Lingwistika Maltija 

8-9 June 2017, Comenius University (Bratislava/Slowakia) 

organized by Benjamin Saade (Malta Centre) and Slavomír ?épl? (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

5th Lingwistika Maltija 

24-26 June 2015, Università di Torino (Turin/Italy)

organized by Benjamin Saade (Malta Centre) and Mauro Tosco (Università di Torino).

4th Lingwistika Maltija: The contribution of Maltese to general linguistics

17-19 June 2013, University of Lyon 2 (Lyon/Frankreich)

organized by the G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija and the University of Lyon 2 (Gilbert Puech)

3rd Lingwistika Maltija

8-10 April 2011, Valletta (Malta)

organized by the University of Malta and the G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija

2nd Lingwistika Maltija: Variation and Change: The dynamics of Maltese in space, time, and society

19-21 September 2009, Universit?t Bremen (Bremen/Germany)

organized by Thomas Stolz (Universit?t Bremen)

1st Lingwistika Maltija

18-20 October 2007, Universit?t Bremen (Bremen/Germany)

7. Lingwistika Maltija
Participants of the 7th Lingwistika Maltija in Kraków (2019)
Participants of Ghilm 8
Participants of the 8th Lingwistika Maltija in Bremen (2023)