Minuti tal-konferenzi u l-laqg?at tal-G?ILM

The Semantic structure of adjectives referring to the holiness in Maltese and Arabic languages
Sebastian Bednaowicz
The lexical ta' construction
Ray Fabri
Nunation from Arabic to Maltese
Christopher Lucas & Michael Spagnol
The Verb sequence V1+V2 in Maltese
Kirsty Azzopardi
Differential object indexing in Maltese – a corpus based pilot study
Erika Just & Slavomír ?épl?
Arabic prepositions and their Maltese equivalents
Przemys?aw Turek
On WH-PREPS. A contrastive grammatical sketch of Maltese fejn and Spanish donde/dónde
Thomas Stolz & Maike Vorholt
Can frequency predict length? A crosslinguistic investigation of Zipf’s law for European adpositions
Maike Vorholt
Regressive voicing assimilation in Maltese: Diachrony and typology
Andrei A. Avram

Maltese and North African linguistics: Common roots and areal divergence
Lameen Souag
The diachrony of word-final obstruent devoicing in Maltese
Andrei A. Avram
The history of the Maltese short vowels
Marijn van Putten
An observation on the ?āl construction in Maltese
Sumikazu Yoda
Minsel. An etymological database for lexemes of Arabic origin in Maltese
Kurstin Gatt
Will it agree or not? Syntactic overgeneralization leading to agreement mismatches in Maltese
Mark Amaira und Albert Borg
Argument extension in Maltese
Ray Fabri
Lanqas, negative concord and predicate negation in Maltese
Slavomír ?épl? und Christopher Lucas
From variation towards the grammar of Maltese prepositions – first steps
Thomas Stolz und Nataliya Levkovych
Form and behavior of Maltese prepositions – A usage-based approach
Emeli Schmidt, Maike Vorholt und Nele Witt
To be or not to be an affricate – affricated stops in Maltese
Marie Azzopardi-Alexander
Revisiting the definite article in Maltese
Luke Galea und Leanne Ellul

5th Lingwistika Maltija
Benjamin Saade and Mauro Tosco
Maltese linguistics: What is new?
Part 1: New looks into the past
Andrei A. Avram
On the phonology of Sicilian Arabic and early Maltese
Carles Biosca and Carles Castellanos
Aspects of the comparison between Maltese, Mediterranean Lingua Franca and the Occitan-Catalan linguistic group
Part 2: Maltese, and just Maltese
Ray Fabri and Albert Borg
Modifiers and complements within the Maltese verb sequence
Slavomír “bulbul” ?épl?
Focus particles in Maltese: A corpus survey
Thomas Stolz and Carolin Ahrens
On prepositional ellipsis and the factors which block its application in Maltese
Part 3: Beyond Maltese, now and then
Amany Al-Sayyed and David Wilmsen
Verbal negation with mu? in Maltese and Eastern Mediterranean Arabics
Gilbert Puech
Maltese kiteb vs. Tunisian (Sūsa) ktib
Marie Azzopardi-Alexander
The phonetic study of speakers along the Maltese-English continuum
Lydia Sciriha
The visibility and salience of Maltese in bilingual Malta’s linguistic landscape
Kees Versteegh
The myth of the mixed languages

Martine Vanhove: From Maltese phonology to morphogenesis: A tribute to David Cohen
Part I: Phonology
Gilbert Puech: Minimalist representation of Maltese sounds
Andrei A. Avram: Phonological changes in Maltese: Evidence from onomastics
Alexandra Vella, Flavia Chetcuti and Sarah Agius: Lengthening as a discourse strategy in Maltese: Phonetic and phonological characteristics
Part II: Morphology & Syntax
Maris Camilleri: How inflectional morphology meets subcategorization frame distinctions in Maltese
Hans-J?rg D?hla: The origin of differential object marking in Maltese
David Wilmsen: Polar interrogative -? in Maltese: Developments and antecedents
Thomas Stolz and Benjamin Saade: On short and long forms of personal pronouns in Maltese
Christopher Lucas and Michael Spagnol: Connecting /t/ in Maltese numerals
Part III: Contact, Bilingualism & Technology
George Farrugia: Languages in contact. Is the gender assignment system in Maltese undergoing change?
Bernard Comrie and Michael Spagnol: Maltese loanword typology
Marie Azzopardi-Alexander: Language profiling: The weaving of Maltese and English in Maltese children’s conversations
John J. Camilleri: Digitizing the grammar and vocabulary of Maltese

Historical Studies
Arnold Cassola - A note on the dating of ?, g? and x in Maltese
Martin R. Zammit - The Sfaxi (Tunisian) element in Maltese
Daniele Baglioni- Italian loanwords in Maltese and the vocabulary od "Levant Italian"
Phonological Studies
Gilbert Puech - Prime constituents od Maltese sounds
Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech & Flavia Chetcuti - The role of silence in spoken Maltese: durational and distributional characteristics of breaks and pauses
Morphological Studies
Phyllisienne Gauci & Maris Camilleri - Syncretism in Maltese: the case of the dual
Thomas Mayer, MIchael Spagnol & Florian Sch?nberger - Fixing the broken plural in Maltese
Syntactic Studies
Maris Camilleri - The Maltese restrictive relative clause
Slavomír "Bulbul" ?épl? - An overview of object reduplication in Maltese
Christopher Lucas - Indefinites and negative concord in Maltese: towards a dynamic account
Thomas Stolz - It-tlieta li a?na = the three of us. Numerically quantified person reference
Maltese in the digital age
Mark Borg, Keith Bugeja, Colin Vella, Gordon Mangion & Carmel Gafà - Preparation of a free-runing text corpus for Maltese concatenative speech synthesis
Lara Vella - Language used in Internet chatting and its effect on spelling

Part I: The Lexicon and Variation
Albert Borg: Lectal variation in Maltese
Joseph M. Brincat: Describing literary Maltese: concordances to Dun Karm and Ru?ar Briffa
Antoinette Camilleri Grima: Giving compliments in Maltese
Lara Brincat & Sandro Caruana: il-Malti Mg?a??el - Maltese in computer-mediated chat conversations
Ray Fabri: The language of young people and language change in Malta
Laura Mori: Linguistic variation in legal Maltese - EU directives compared to national implementation laws
Part II: Morphology and Syntax
Maris Camilleri: On pronominal verbal enclitics in Maltese
Michael Spagnol: The causative-inchoative alternation in Maltese
Thomas Stolz: The possessive relative clause in Maltese
Part III: Phonology
Marie Azzopardi-Alexander: The vowel system of Xlukkajr and Naduri
Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech & Flavia Chetcuti: A preliminary investigation of filled pauses in Maltese
Gilbert Puech: Syllabic structure and stress in Maltese

Maltese and the World Atlas of Language Structures
Bernard Comrie
Vowel duration and Maltese 'g?'
Elizabeth Hume, Jennifer Venditti, Alexandra Vella and Samantha Gett
On Maltese prosody
Alexandra Vella
Topicalisation in Maltese
Albert Borg and Marie Azzopardi-Alexander
A head-driven phrase structure grammar for Maltese
Stefan Müller
Complex predicates in Maltese: From a neo-Arabic perspective
Utz Maas
Splitting the verb chain in modern literary Maltese
Thomas Stolz
"Pseudo-verbs": An analysis of non-verbal (co-)predication in Maltese
John Peterson
Compounding and adjective-noun compounds in Maltese
Ray Fabri
Auditory and visual lexical decision in Maltese
Adam Ussishkin and Alina Twist
Electronic language resources for Maltese
Michael Rosner
The Vowel system of Cantilena: Its historical development
Sumikazu Yoda
The shaping of Maltese throughout the centuries: Linguistic evidences from a diachronic-typological analysis
Laura Mori
"Imma l'ori?inal ori?inali?": A noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin
Manwel Mifsud
A different kind of gender problem: Maltese loan-word gender from a typological perspective
Christel Stolz
Terminology of Italian origin used in EU Maltese: A case of linguistic "Europeanisation"?
Sandro Caruana
Diglossia: Variation on a theme
Antoinette Camilleri Grima
Maltese English: History of use, structural variation and sociolinguistic status
Lisa M. Bonnici
Business meeting minutes
1. Selected papers
- editors: Raffaello Bezzina, Michela Vella and Maike Vorholt
- the deadline will be set later on
- papers in English, abstracts will be in Maltese and English
- publishing house: De Gruyter Mouton, Studia Typologica
- Title: “The next century of Maltese linguistics”
- should include a preface that refers to the title (Slavomír ?épl? offered to write it)
2. G?ilm conference 2025
- 3 options:
1. Bucharest: Andrei Avram will give a definite answer soon
2. Düsseldorf: 2025 (in case Bucharest is not possible), 2027
3. G?ilm 2027
- 20th anniversary of G?ilm
1. Düsseldorf
2. Gozo (since it will be the anniversary)
4. Il-katidral (project by Slavomír ?épl?)
- first metalanguage is needed
- glossing guidelines
- need for balanced corpus (written and spoken)
- funding for (at least) parts of the topics in the project
- Sandra Vella: proposal for collecting data on spoken Maltese
- will be discussed again in a few months