Quality management in teaching
On May 27, 2009, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen adopted a Quality Management (QM) Policy for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen, and on December 16, 2015, a Statute for Quality Management and Evaluation in Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen. This provides for monitoring and improving teaching and study at the university with the help of a quality management system involving teachers and students. With regard to teaching and study aspects, the University of Bremen has set itself a mission statement for study and teaching at the University of Bremen, which was also adopted by the Academic Senate on 16 December 2015. Responsibility for QM lies in principle with the faculties, and the Centre for Teacher Training must also be involved in the teacher-training courses (§ 3 Para. 1). Within the departments, the Dean's Office is responsible for QM. Further guidelines for quality assurance can be found on the pages of the QM portal of the University of Bremen, as well as the quality management for the entire university.
The QM-regulation provides for various structural and organisational measures (§ 2 and 3):
Formulation of quality objectives for teaching and study for the various study programmes
- Recording of the actual situation
- Execution of course evaluations and study programme-related surveys
- Collection and analysis of data and key figures
- Processing of experience and information from the study centres
- Comparison of goals and actual state in a cycle model
- Comparison of objectives with the collected and analysed data and key figures
- Evaluation of this comparison and, where appropriate, initiation of measures
- Establishment of a QM committee in the department
- For the implementation of this cycle model
- Advising the Dean's Office in QM matters
- To create a QM report on the QM process flow
The responsible body for quality assurance at Faculty 3 is the Study Commission (SK), which exists for the courses of study in Mathematics and Computer Science, chaired by the respective Dean of Studies or Deputy Dean of Studies. The QM FB03 guideline contains the following graphics for illustration purposes.
Further information can be found here:
QM-Organigram and QM-Circuit