Decentralised Women's Representative

The Women's Representative Collective

We are the women's representatives of Department 3. As a collective we consist of several decentralised women's representatives and represent the status groups of female professors, female academic staff and female students in an equal manner. We deal with all topics that directly or indirectly affect women in the department. The Women's Representative Collective represents the interests of women in all faculty committees and in all personnel and organisational decisions, in particular in appointment and recruitment procedures. It is involved in the preparation of the equal opportunities plan for women and is available to advise members of the department on questions of promotion. You can find out more about our work under Offers and our topics. You can reach us by e-mail at frauenbeauftragtefb3protect me ?!mailman.zfn.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The members of the collective are elected at the regular women's plenary meetings. Every employee and every student is cordially invited to take part in this election. Ms. Wehaus is the Women's Representative of the University of Bremen and is responsible for women in the service sector of the University of Bremen - the non-academic employees. You can reach her at: /frauenbeauftragte/.



Members of the collective

Name Room Phone Email
Prof. Dr. Christine Knipping MZH 5100 63721
Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow MZH 3310 63581
Prof. Dr. Maike Vollstedt MZH 6080 59861
Fiene Bredow MZH 6115 63722
Luisa GuniaMZH
Michaela KümpelECO 5 64021
Yvonne Kü
Dr. Hui Shi MZH 3230 64260
Dr. Lena Wollschl?gerMZH 4224
Dr. Sabine Kuske MZH 3270 64456
Nicole Schr?derMZH
Enna Gerhard

Our topics

The decentralised women's representatives are involved in the appointment procedures for professorships in the department. Basic principles and participation procedures are regulated in the following documents:

Current appointment procedures at the University of Bremen are listed here:

Current announcements for professorships are published under:

As a member institution of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the University of Bremen has undertaken to comply with the DFG's equality standards. Detailed information on activities at the University of Bremen can be found at


FB 3 has committed to DFG target figures.

The decentralised women's representatives are represented as advisory members in the specialist area council.


Meeting dates and minutes of the faculty council can be found here:

Link to the family portal of the University of Bremen


Link to an extensive information portal of the Studentenwerk Gie?en for students with children:

In particular with good tips on maternity leave for female students who work or are marginally employed - e.g. as student assistants:

Maternity leave and provision of funds for maternity pay

We would like to point out that the University of Bremen (like all employers in Germany) receives a full refund of the so-called employer's share of the maternity allowance in accordance with §13 of the Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz). This is done via the so-called compensation procedure U2, which compensates all continued remuneration payments and maternity protection benefits of the employer.

Links to legal information:
1. a document of the IKK health insurance fund, where on pages 19 and 21ff some explanations for the compensation procedure U2 can be found:

2 Wikipedia explains the Expenditure Compensation Act including the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court, etc:

3. a small inquiry from the Bremen citizenship from the year 2012 - there to question 4 is explicitly mentioned that also the public administration gets the money:
(Note: Only employees receive maternity pay. With regard to the absolute number of pregnant women, it should be noted in the table (for question 1 of this small inquiry) that no female civil servants are listed for Bremen. Nevertheless, the figures given there appear to be quite low for Bremen's public administration as a whole.)

Aktuelle Ausschreibungen für Stellenangebote der Universit?t Bremen werden ver?ffentlicht unter:

Further information on ongoing appeal procedures can be found here.

Nationwide and international job offers:

Frauen-Inform is a moderated e-mail network of women from computer science and mathematics. The network mainly reaches women in German-speaking countries. In particular, job advertisements in the scientific field are published.


Tenders on Frauen-Inform
For the distribution of an advertisement on the mailing list Frauen-inform, e-mails can be sent directly to <>. The sender's e-mail does not have to be entered in the mailing list.

Some professional societies and companies offer financial support especially for female computer science students. We receive irregular information and pass it on to potential interested parties in FB 3. We are happy to support you with your applications.