
Four new PhD positions at InIIS

For their projects within the new "Reconfiguring Europe" Unit at Hertie School Jacques Delors Centre, Susanne K. Schmidt and Philipp Genschel will employ two PhD researchers each. Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2024!

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) have approved funding of appr. 6 million € for a new Research Unit on ?Reconfiguring Europe. Between competence and control¡°. The project is led by Markus Jachtenfuchs and coordinated at the Jacques Delors Centre. The team consists of lawyers and political scientists. For the next four years, 9 projects and a coordination project will analyse the evolution and interplay of competence and control in the EU.

Within the new unit, Susanne K. Schmidt and Philipp Genschel are heading one project each: "Courts as Governors in the Internal Market" and "Competence, Control, and joint Procurement in the EU". For each project, two PhD researchers are to be employed, starting the new positions at InIIS in January 2025.

Deadline for applications for both projects: September 15th, 2024!

Links to the job posts:

"Courts as Governors in the Internal Market":

"Competence, Control, and Joint Procurement in the EU":