Dr.rer.nat. Hannah Jilani

Hanna Jilani
Research assistant

Research interests

Hannah Jilani studied nutrition science and public health. In order to be able to combine the two, she is conducting research in the field of public health nutrition.
She is particularly interested in the nutritional behavior and food choices of children, adolescents and adults.


Professional career

Since 03 / 2020

Post doc, Project: Changes in taste regulation during body growth as well as maturation in childhood - Does growing taste sweet and fatty?, Central Research Funding, University of Bremen

06 / 2019 - 06 / 2020

Research Associate
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen

Department: Prevention and Evaluation

07 / 2018 - 05 / 2019

Research Associate
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen

Department: Epidemiological Methods and Causal Research


Since 04 / 2018            

Research Associate

Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research - IPP, University of Bremen.

Department: Health Services Research

01 / 2012 - 12 / 2016

Research Associate
Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen

Department: Epidemiological Methods and Causal Research

07 / 2011 - 12 / 2011

Student Assistant

Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen

Department: Prevention and Evaluation


06 / 2011 – 11 / 2011

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Epidemiologie, Sozialmedizin und Gesundheitssystemforschung


03 / 2011 - 04 / 2011

Internship, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS, Bremen

Department: Epidemiological Methods and Causal Research


Academic career                                                                    

April 2019                  

Disputation of the dissertation to obtain the doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat, University of Bremen:

Title: Placing sensory science in health research: Correlates of sensory taste perception & preferences, healthy eating and health outcomes in European Children.

10 / 2010 - 06 / 2013

Postgraduate course Master of Public Health (MPH), focus on epidemiology, Hannover Medical School, Institute of Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Systems Research

10 / 2009 - 07 / 2010

Internship and diploma thesis, Research Institute of Child Nutrition, Dortmund, Germany

09 / 2006 - 07 / 2007

ERASMUS-Semester: Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

10 / 2003 - 09 / 2010

Studies of Oecotrophology, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm University Bonn, Germany    


06 / 2002                    

High school diploma at the Gymnasium Adolfinum Bückeburg


Current activities & functions

Speaker of the AK Nachwuchs of the German Society for Sensor Technology (DGSens)
Representative of the Young Sensor Scientists in the European Sensor Society (E3S)

Awards and qualifying activities                                                        

01 / 2022 - 06 / 2023 plan m - mentoring in science, University of Bremen

09 / 2018 DAAD Congress Fellowship, EUROSENSE, Verona, Italy. Presentation: "Heritability and intraclass correlation coefficients of fat and sweet taste perception in European families"

10 / 2016 - 12 / 2016 PhD scholarship of the University of Bremen.

10 / 2016 Young Scientist Award of the German Sensory Society, Berlin. Presentation: "Determinants of bitter, sweet, salty and umami taste thresholds in European children: The role of sex, age  country and weight status - the IDEFICS Study"

10 / 2015 Travel grant from the German Society for Epidemiology to the annual meeting, Potsdam. Presentation: "Bitter-sweet taste perception: determinants of changes in children's bitter, sweet, salt and umami taste sensitivity"

Teaching Experience

The public health perspective using the example of nutrition
and  health
Methods of empirical social research
The public health perspective using obesity as an example
Nutrition epidemiology


Journal article with peer review


Jilani H, Intemann T, Eiben G, Lauria F, Lissner L,  Michels N, Molnár D,  Moreno L,  Pala P,  Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W,  Hebestreit A. Association of ability to rank sweet and fat taste intensities with sweet and fat food propensity ratios of children, adolescents and adults– the I.Family study, Eur J Nutr 64, 42 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00394-024-03538-0

B?bel S, Gerhardus A,Herbon C, Jilani H, Rathjen KI, Schmiemann G, Schilling I (2024). Engaging nursing home residents in clinical research: insights from a patient advisory board, a patient advocate, and a study team. Res Involv Engagem 10, 111, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-024-00648-1


Jilani H, Intemann T, Buchecker K, Charalambos H, Gianfagna F, Henauw S de, Lauria F, Molnar D, Moreno LA, Lissner L, Pala V, Siani A, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W & Hebestreit A. Correlates of bitter, sweet, salty and umami taste sensitivity in European children: Role of sex, age and weight status - The IDEFICS study. Appetite 2022; 175:106088.

Meshkovska B, Scheller DA, Wendt J, Jilani H, Scheidmeir M, Stratil JM & Lien N. Barriers and facilitators to implementation of direct fruit and vegetables provision interventions in kindergartens and schools: a qualitative systematic review applying the consolidated framework for implementation research (CFIR). Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2022; 19(1):11.


H?rmann-Wallner M, Krause R, Alfaro B, Jilani H, Laureati M, Almli VL, Sandell M, Sandvik P, Zeinstra GG & Methven L. Intake of Fibre-Associated Foods and Texture Preferences in Relation to Weight Status Among 9-12 Years Old Children in 6 European Countries. Front Nutr 2021; 8:633807.

Sina E, Buck C, Ahrens W, Henauw S de, Jilani H, Lissner L, Molnár D, Moreno LA, Pala V, Reisch L, Siani A, Solea A, Veidebaum T, Hebestreit A & On Behalf Of The I Family, Consortia. Digital Media Use in Association with Sensory Taste Preferences in European Children and Adolescents-Results from the I.Family Study. Foods 2021; 10(2).


Graffe MIM, Pala V, Henauw S de, Eiben G, Hadjigeorgiou C, Iacoviello L, Intemann T, Jilani H, Molnar D, Russo P, Veidebaum T & Moreno LA. Dietary sources of free sugars in the diet of European children: the IDEFICS Study. Eur J Nutr 2020; 59(3):979–89.

Laureati M, Sandvik P, L. Almli V, Sandell M, Zeinstra GG, Methven L, Wallner M, Jilani H, Alfaro B & Proserpio C. Individual differences in texture preferences among European children: Development and validation of the Child Food Texture Preference Questionnaire (CFTPQ). Food Quality and Preference 2020; 80:103828.

Proserpio C, Almli VL, Sandvik P, Sandell M, Methven L, Wallner M, Jilani H, Zeinstra GG, Alfaro B & Laureati M. Cross-national differences in child food neophobia: A comparison of five European countries. Food Quality and Preference 2020; 81:103861.

Rathjen KI, Herbon CM, Jilani H, Scharpenberg M, Schilling I, Schmiemann G, Brannath W & Gerhardus A. Older patients' involvement in research (INVOLVE-Clin): a study protocol. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2020; 156-157:82–8.

Sandvik P, Laureati M, Jilani H, Methven L, Sandell M, H?rmann-Wallner M, Da Quinta N, Zeinstra GG & Almli VL. Yuck, This Biscuit Looks Lumpy! Neophobic Levels and Cultural Differences Drive Children's Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) Descriptions and Preferences for High-Fibre Biscuits. Foods 2020; 10(1).


Jilani H, Pohlabeln H, Henauw S de, Eiben G, Hunsberger M, Molnar D, Moreno LA, Pala V, Russo P, Solea A, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W, Hebestreit A & On Behalf Of The Idefics And I Family Consortia. Relative Validity of a Food and Beverage Preference Questionnaire to Characterize Taste Phenotypes in Children Adolescents and Adults. Nutrients 2019; 11(7).

Schilling I, Behrens H, Bleidorn J, Gágyor I, Hugenschmidt C, Jilani H, Schmiemann G & Gerhardus A. Patients' and researchers' experiences with a patient board for a clinical trial on urinary tract infections. Res Involv Engagem 2019; 5:38.

Scholle O, Jilani H, Riedel O, Banaschewski T, Hadjigeorgiou C, Hunsberger M, Iguacel I, Molnár D, Pala V, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Zaqout M & Pohlabeln H. Use of Nutritional Supplements in Youth with Medicated and Unmedicated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2019; 29(1):58–65.

Sina E, Buck C, Jilani H, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Russo P, Moreno LA, Molnar D, Eiben G, Marild S, Pala V, Ahrens W & Hebestreit A. Association of Infant Feeding Patterns with Taste Preferences in European Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Latent Profile Analysis. Nutrients 2019; 11(5).


Jilani H, Pohlabeln H, Buchecker K, Gwozdz W, Henauw S de, Eiben G, Molnar D, Moreno LA, Pala V, Reisch L, Russo P, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W & Hebestreit A. Association between parental consumer attitudes with their children's sensory taste preferences as well as their food choice. PLoS One 2018; 13(8):e0200413.

Mehlig K, Bogl LH, Hunsberger M, Ahrens W, Henauw S de, Iguacel I, Jilani H, Molnár D, Pala V, Russo P, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Kaprio J & Lissner L. Children's propensity to consume sugar and fat predicts regular alcohol consumption in adolescence. Public Health Nutr 2018; 21(17):3202–9.

Papoutsou S, Savva SC, Hunsberger M, Jilani H, Michels N, Ahrens W, Tornaritis M, Veidebaum T, Molnár D, Siani A, Moreno LA & Hadjigeorgiou C. Timing of solid food introduction and association with later childhood overweight and obesity: The IDEFICS study. Matern Child Nutr 2018; 14(1).


Arvidsson L, Eiben G, Hunsberger M, Bourdeaudhuij I de, Molnar D, Jilani H, Thumann B, Veidebaum T, Russo P, Tornaritis M, Santaliestra-Pasías AM, Pala V & Lissner L. Bidirectional associations between psychosocial well-being and adherence to healthy dietary guidelines in European children: prospective findings from the IDEFICS study. BMC Public Health 2017; 17(1):926.

Jilani H, Ahrens W, Buchecker K, Russo P & Hebestreit A. Association between the number of fungiform papillae on the tip of the tongue and sensory taste perception in children. Food Nutr Res 2017; 61(1):1348865.

Jilani H, Intemann T, Bogl LH, Eiben G, Molnar D, Moreno LA, Pala V, Russo P, Siani A, Solea A, Veidebaum T, Ahrens W & Hebestreit A. Familial aggregation and socio-demographic correlates of taste preferences in European children. BMC Nutr 2017; 3:87.


Diethelm K, Remer T, Jilani H, Kunz C & Buyken AE. Associations between the macronutrient composition of the evening meal and average daily sleep duration in early childhood. Clin Nutr 2011; 30(5):640–6.


Journal article without peer review


Jilani H, Ehrmann U, Rathjen KI, Schilling I & Gerhardus A. Abschlusseditorial: Beteiligung von Patient*innen an klinischen Studien - sozialer Prozess und methodische Konzepte. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2022; 173:106–7.


Busse H, Jilani H, Atens-Kahlenberg W von, Bücking B, Sell L & Zeeb H. Hkk Gesundheitsreport. Ern?hrungssituation von Kita-Kindern in Bremen. Eine Fragebogenstudie mit Leiterinnen und Leitern von Bremer Kindertageseinrichtungen 2020.

Schilling I, Ehrmann U, Jilani H, Rathjen KI & Gerhardus A. Editorial: Beteiligung von Patient*innen an klinischen Studien - sozialer Prozess und methodische Konzepte. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2020; 155:54–5.

Schilling I, Herbon CM, Jilani H, Rathjen KI & Gerhardus A. Aktive Beteiligung von Patient*innen an klinischer Forschung - Eine Einführung. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2020; 155:56–63.


Busse H, Jilani H, Atens-Kahlenberg W von, Bücking B, Heinbockel L, Brandes M & Zeeb H. Hkk Gesundheitsreport. Gesunde Ern?hrung von Kita-Kindern in Bremen 2019.


Book chapters


Hebestreit A, Wolters M, Jilani H, Eiben G & Pala V. Web-based 24-hour dietary recall: The SACANA program. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot P & Bammann K, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Heidelberg: Springer; 2018.

Jilani H, Peplies J & Buchecker K. Assessment of sensory taste perception in children. In: Ahrens W, Pigeot I & Bammann K, editors. Instruments for health surveys in children and adolescents. Heidelberg: Springer; 2018.



Schilling IJilani H, Gerhardus A, 2024: Aktive Patient*innen- und Zielgruppenbeteiligung an klinischer Forschung und Gesundheitsforschung: Ziele, Zielgruppen und Methoden (Symposium), Kooperationstagung der GMDS, DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS und DGPH, Dresden, 12.09.2024

Schilling I,  Gerhardus, Herbon C, Jilani H, Rathjen K.I, Schmiemann G, B?bel S, 2024: Patient*innenbeteiligung im Pflegeheim: Erwartungen und Erfahrungen der Beteiligung ?lterer Personen an klinischer Forschung (Vortrag), Kooperationstagung der GMDS, DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS und DGPH, Dresden, 12.09.2024

Jilani H, Klink U, Schilling I, Gerhardus A, 2024. Aktive Beteiligung von Kindern an der Planung einer Intervention zur F?rderung einer gesunden Ern?hrung (Vortrag), Kooperationstagung der GMDS, DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS und DGPH, Dresden, 12.09.2024


H. Jilani, H. Busse, W. von Atens-Kahlenberg, B. Bücking, M. Brandes, H. Zeeb, 2021: Welche Rolle spielen Eltern und Kita für die F?rderung gesunder Ern?hrung bei Kindern? Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Erzieherinnen, 56. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Pr?vention (DGSMP) 22. - 24. September 2021 digital

Schilling, I.; Jilani, H.; Rathjen, K.; Gerhardus, A., 2021: Handreichung zur Patient*innenbeteiligung an klinischer Forschung, Kongress für Evidenzbasierten Medizin, Schilling, Imke; Jilani, Hannah; Rathjen, Kim Isabel; Gerhardus, Ansgar, Online, Deutschland, 25.02.2021


Rathjen, K.; Herbon, C.; Jilani, H.; Schilling, I.; Gerhardus, A., 2020: Die Motivation von Altenheimbewohner*innen an eine aktive Beteiligung im Forschungsprozess, Kongress für Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Basel, Schweiz, 14.02.2020

Schilling, I.; Behrens, H.; Bleidorn, J.; Gàgyor, I.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Jilani, H.; Schmiemann, G.; Gerhardus, A., 2020: Die Erfahrungen von Patient*innen und Forschenden mit einem Patient*innenbeirat für eine klinische Studie zu Harnwegsinfekten, Kongress für Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Basel, Schweiz, 14.02.2020

Schilling, I.; Herbon, C.; Jilani, H.; Rathjen, K.; Gerhardus, A., 2020: Trainingsworkshop PPI an klinischer Forschung (Workshop), Kongress für Evidenzbasierte Medizin, Basel, Schweiz, 13.02.2020