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Promising approaches for an integrated monitoring for health-promoting urban development

Invited lecture by Gabriele Bolte in the series “City Diagnoses” of the Global Health Hub Germany

The event series of the Hub Community on Global Urban Health is dedicated to city diagnoses as a tool to identify a city’s health opportunities and challenges and to create a basis for health-promoting activities for a healthy future of cities. It is aimed at scientists and practitioners.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte presented in her talk the research of the Department of Social Epidemiology, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, on urban health and especially recent results of two research projects:

In the project "Stresstest Resilientes Quartier", a practice-oriented tool was developed that contains indicators for assessing the resilience of urban neighbourhoods and summarizes strategies and measures from the fields of urban planning and public health to increase the resilience of urban neighbourhoods.

In the project "Integriertes Indikatorenset Urbane Gesundheit", a manageable set of indicators was developed for small-scale monitoring and to support the comprehensive consideration of health aspects in local planning and planning in existing urban development.

Gabriele Bolte concluded by discussing approaches for urban health equity indicators and challenges for integrated monitoring for health-promoting urban development.


The results of the projects are available online here:


Project ?Stresstest Resilientes Quartier“: /fileadmin/user_upload/fachbereiche/fb11/ipp/Institutsuebergreifend/Transfer/IPP-Schriften/IPP_Schriften_19_fin.pdf

Project ?Integriertes Indikatorenset Urbane Gesundheit“:




Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research

Department of Social Epidemiology

& WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities

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Foto von Gabriele Bolte