Program Description
The master's program consists of obligatory modules, compulsory elective modules and the master’s graduation module (seminar on writing a master's thesis, master's thesis and oral presentation of the master's thesis). The entire program is offered in English. To follow the program, it is not required to have knowledge of German. However, some compulsory elective modules can be additionally offered in German to increase the choice for students familiar with the German language.
In the first semester (winter semester) the students study three mandatory modules and two compulsory elective module. The mandatory modules are “Transnational Law I: Private Governance and Regulation” by Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess, “Transnational Law II” (Public law dimension of transnational law) by Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner, LL.M. (Yale), and “Methodology of Transnational Law”. Both are well-known experts in the field of transnational law. In the second semester, the master’s graduation module and two further compulsory elective modules must be chosen based on the individual interests. For further information see: Description of Modules.
The master’s graduation module in the second semester includes a seminar on writing a master’s thesis, master’s thesis, and oral presentation of the master’s thesis. During the seminar on writing a master’s thesis, the students present the structure of their thesis and discuss it with the lecturer and the fellow students. The oral defense of the master’s thesis must take place no later than mid-September, which means the master’s thesis must be handed in by the end of July, as the supervisors will need approx. six weeks to grade the thesis. In any case, it is advised that the subject and supervisors for the master’s thesis are chosen in February or March.