Qualification Area: Professional Skills
Higher-Education Didactics

© Universit?t Bremen
The development of professional skills plays an important role in later successful career paths, both in academia and non-academia.
An essential goal for the qualification phase of doctoral students is to gain and develop experience and competence in high-quality higher-education didactics.
This includes all workshops and trainings, that contributes to the learning and implemention of good didactic methods and skills.
At the University of Bremen, varoius institutions offer training programmes to help doctoral candidates to develop their skills on higher-education didactics. These include for example the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD), the Department of Personnel Development (PE), the Career Center and the Department of Equal Opportunities/Anti-discrimination (Perspektive Promotion).
Below you get a collection of the corresponding offers in chronological order. You can also filter for specific workshops by using the search bar.