
For all publications of Bernd Zolitschka since 1988 please see attachment at the bottom of this page!

  • Eichhorn, L., Pirrung, M., Büchel, G., Zolitschka, B., 2017. Pleniglacial sedimentation process reconstruction on laminated lacustrine sediments from lava-dammed Paleolake Alf, West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 172: 83-95.
  • Kliem, P., Baumgarten, H., C. Gebhardt, A. Hahn, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka, 2017. Periodic 1.5 ka climate variations during MIS 2 in the belt of Southern Hemispheric Westerlies. Quaternary Research 88: 110-120.
  • Mayr, C., Matzke-Karasz, R., Stojakowits, P., Lowick, S.E., Zolitschka, B., Heigl, T., Mollath, R., Theuerkauf, M., Weckend, M.-O., B?umler, R., Gregor, H.-J., 2017. Palaeoenvironments during MIS 3 and MIS 2 inferred from lacustrine intercalations in the loess-palaeosol sequence at Bobingen (southern Germany). E&G Quaternary Science Journal 66: 73-89.
  • Smidt, C., Wolters, S., Zolitschka, B., 2017. Pingo-Ruinen: Nachweis und fl?chenhafte Verbreitung periglazialer Relikte südlich von Friedeburg (Ostfriesland). Nachrichten des Marschenrates zur F?rderung der Forschung im Küstengebiet der Nordsee 54: 39-50.
  • Hockun, K., G. Mollenhauer, S.L. Ho, J. Hefter, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka, C. Mayr, A. Lücke, E. Schefu?, 2016. Using distributions and compound-specific isotopes of n-alkanes to disentangle organic matter contributions to sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Organic Geochemistry 102: 110-119.
  • Jenny, J.-P., A. Normandeau, P. Francus, Z.E. Taranu, I. Gregory-Eaves, F. Lapointe, J. Jautzy, A.E.K. Ojala, J.-M. Dorioz, A. Schimmelmann, B. Zolitschka, 2016. Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 113: 12655-12660.
  • Jenny, J.-P., P. Francus, A. Normandeau, F. Lapointe, M.-E. Perga, A.E.K. Ojala, A. Schimmelmann, B. Zolitschka, 2016. Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure. Global Change Biology 22: 1481-1489.
  • Profe, J., Zolitschka, B., Schirmer, W., Frechen, M., Ohlendorf, C., 2016. Insights into paleoclimate and sediment dynamics: Element log ratios derived from discrete XRF sample scanning of the loess-paleosol sequence at Schwalbenberg, Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 459: 537-551. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.07.022
  • Schimmelmann, A., Lange, C.B., Schieber, J., Francus, P., Ojala, A.E.K., Zolitschka, B., 2016. Varves in marine sediments: A review. Earth-Science Reviews 159: 215-246.
  • Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Stoner, J., Zolitschka, B. and the PASADO science team, 2015. Rock-magnetic proxy of wind intensity since 51,200 cal BP from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike in southern Patagonia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411: 72-86.
  • Oehlerich, M., C. Mayr, S. H?lzl, S. Rummel, B.M.A. Teichert, N. Gussone, A. Hahn, A. Lücke, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka, 2015. Lateglacial and Holocene climatic changes in south-eastern Patagonia inferred from carbonate isotope records of Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews 114, 189-202.
  • Recasens, C., Ariztegui, D., Maidana, N.I., Zolitschka, B., PASADO Science Team, 2015. Diatoms as indicators of hydrological and climatic changes in Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia) since the Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 417: 309-319.
  • Zolitschka, B., P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, A. Schimmelmann, C. Telepski, 2015. The online Varve Image Portal: A new tool for studying annually laminated sediments. PAGES News 2015(1): 35.
  • Zolitschka, B., P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, A. Schimmelmann, 2015. Varves in lake sediments – a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 117: 1-41.
  • Hahn, A., P. Kliem, M. Oehlerich, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka and the PASADO Science Team, 2014. Elemental composition of the Laguna Potrok Aike sediment sequence reveals paleoclimatic changes over the past 51 ka in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 52: 349-366.
  • Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B., the PASADO Science Team, 2014. Rock-magnetic signature of precipitation and extreme runoff events in south-eastern Patagonia since 51,200 cal BP from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike. Quaternary Science Reviews 98: 110-125.
  • Irurzun, M.A., Orgeira, M.J., Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Compagnucci, R., Zolitschka, B., 2014. Magnetic parameters and their palaeoclimatic implications – the sediment record of the last 15,500 cal. BP from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina). Geophysical Journal International 198: 710-726.
  • Mayr, C., Rebolledo, L., Schulte, K., Schuster, A., Zolitschka, B., F?rsterra, G., H?ussermann, V., 2014. Responses of nitrogen and carbon deposition rates in Comau Fjord (42°S, Southern Chile) to natural and anthropogenic impacts during the last century. Continental Shelf Research, 78: 29-38.
  • Ohlendorf, C., M. Fey, J. Massaferro, T. Haberzettl, C. Laprida, A. Lücke, N. Maidana, C. Mayr, M. Oehlerich, J. Ramón Mercau, M. Wille, H. Corbella, G. St-Onge, F. Sch?bitz, B. Zolitschka. Late Holocene hydrology inferred from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Cháltel (southeastern Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 411: 229-248.
  • Tylmann, W., Fischer, H., Enters, D., Kinder, M., Moska, P., Ohlendorf, C., Poreba, G., Zolitschka, B., 2014. Reply to the comment by F. Gharbi on “Multiple dating of varved sediments from Lake Lazduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last 150 years”. Quaternary Geochronology, 20: 111-113.
  • Zhu, J., A. Lücke, H. Wissel, C. Mayr, D. Enters, K. J. Kim, C. Ohlendorf, F. Sch?bitz, and B. Zolitschka, 2014. Climate history of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies belt during the last glacial-interglacial transition revealed from lake water oxygen isotope reconstruction of Laguna Potrok Aike (52°S, Argentina). Climate of the Past Discussions 10: 2417-2465.
  • Zhu, J., A. Lücke, H. Wissel, C. Mayr, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka, 2014. Characterizing oxygen isotope variability and host water relation of modern and subfossil aquatic mosses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 130: 212–228.
  • Zolitschka, B., C. Rolf, Bittmann, F., F. Binot, M. Frechen, T. Wonik, N. Froitzheim, C. Ohlendorf, 2014. Pleistocene climatic and environmental variations inferred from a terrestrial sediment record – the Rodderberg Volcanic Complex near Bonn, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft - German Journal of Geosciences, 165: 407-427.
  • Zolitschka, B., Pike, J., von Gunten, L., Kiefer, T., eds., 2014. Annual recorders of the past. Past Global Changes Magazine, 22: 1-55.
  • Zolitschka, B., Pike, J., 2014. Maximizing the information yield from annually resolving natural archives. Past Global Changes Magazine, 22: 4-5.
  • Tylmann, W., Fischer, H., Enters, D., Kinder, M., Moska, P., Ohlendorf, C., Poreba, G., Zolitschka, B., 2014. Reply to the comment by F. Gharbi on “Multiple dating of varved sediments from Lake Lazduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last 150 years”. Quaternary Geochronology, 20: 111-113.
  • Buylaert, J.P., Murray, A.S., Gebhardt C., Sohbati, R., Ohlendorf, C., Thiel, C., Zolitschka, B., 2013. Luminescence dating of the PASADO core 5022-1D from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) using IRSL signals from feldspar. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 70-90.
  • Hahn, A., P. Kliem, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka, P. Rosén and the PASADO science team, 2013. Climate induced changes in the content of carbonaceous and organic matter of sediments from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) during the past 50 ka inferred from infrared spectroscopy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 154-166.
  • Kinder, M., Tylmann, W., Enters, D., Piotrowska, N., Poreba, G., Zolitschka, B., 2013. Construction and validation of calendar-year time scale for annually laminated sediments – an example from Lake Szurpi?y (NE Poland). GFF, 135: 248-257.
  • Kliem, P., D. Enters, A. Hahn, C. Ohlendorf, A. Lisé-Pronovost, G. St-Onge, S. Wasteg?rd, B. Zolitschka and the PASADO science team, 2013. Lithology, radiocarbon chronology and sedimentological interpretation of the lacustrine record from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 54-69.
  • Kliem, P., Buylaert, J.P., Hahn, A., Mayr, C., Murray, A., Ohlendorf, C., Veres, D., Wasteg?rd, S., Zolitschka, B. and the PASADO science team, 2013. Magnitude, geomorphologic response and climate links of lake level oscillations at Laguna Potrok Aike, Patagonian steppe (Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 131-146.
  • Lisé-Pronovost, A., G. St-Onge, C. Gogorza, T. Haberzettl, M. Preda, P. Francus, B. Zolitschka and the PASADO science team, 2013. High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variations and relative paleointensity since the Late Pleistocene in Southern South America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 91-108.
  • Massaferro, J., Recasens, C., Larocque-Tobler, I., Maidana, N.I., Zolitschka, B., 2013. Major lake level fluctuations and climate changes for the past 16,000 years as reflected by diatoms and chironomids preserved in the sediment of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71, 167-174.
  • Mayr, C., A. Lücke, S. Wagner, H. Wissel, C. Ohlendorf, T. Haberzettl, M. Oehlerich, F. Sch?bitz, M. Wille, J. Zhu, B. Zolitschka, 2013. Intensified Southern Hemisphere Westerlies regulated atmospheric CO2 during the last deglaciation. Geology 41: 831-834.
  • Oehlerich, M., C. Mayr, E. Griesshaber, A. Lücke, O.M. Oeckler, C. Ohlendorf, W.W. Schmahl, B. Zolitschka, 2013. Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment – implications for paleoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 46-53.
  • Ohlendorf, O., M. Fey, C. Gebhardt, T. Haberzettl, A.????  Lücke, C.????  Mayr, F. Sch?bitz, M. Wille and B. Zolitschka. 2013. Mechanisms of lake-level change at Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) - Insights from hydrological balance calculations. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 27-45.
  • Sch?bitz, F., Wille, M., Francois, J.-P., Haberzettl, T., Quintana, F., Mayr, C., Lücke, A., Ohlendorf, C., Mancini, V., Paez, M.M., Prieto, A.R., Zolitschka, B., 2013. Reconstruction of paleoprecipitation based on pollen transfer functions – the record of the last 16 ka from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 175-190.
  • Tylmann, W., Enters, D., Kinder, M., Moska, P., Ohlendorf, C., Poreba, G., Zolitschka, B., 2013. Multiple dating of varved sediments from Lake Lazduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last 150 years, Quaternary Geochronology, 15: 98-107.
  • Tylmann, W., B. Zolitschka, D. Enters, C. Ohlendorf, 2013. Laminated lake sediments in north-eastern Poland: distribution, preconditions for their formation and potential for environmental reconstruction. Journal of Paleolimnology, 50: 487-503.
  • Wasteg?rd, S. Veres, D., Kliem, P., Ohlendorf, C., Zolitschka, B. and the PASADO science team, 2013 Towards a late Quaternary tephrochronological framework for the southernmost part of South America – the Laguna Potrok Aike tephra record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 81-90.
  • Zhu, J., A. Lücke, H. Wissel, D. Müller, C. Mayr, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka and the PASADO science team, 2013. The last Glacial – Interglacial transition in Patagonia, Argentina: the stable isotope record of bulk sedimentary organic matter from Laguna Potrok Aike. Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 205-218.
  • Zolitschka, B., F. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, H. Corbella, P. Francus, A. Lücke, N. Maidana, C. Ohlendorf, F. Sch?bitz, S. Wastegard, 2013. Environment and climate of the last 51,000 years – new insights from the Potrok Aike maar lake sediment archive drilling project (PASADO). Quaternary Science Reviews, 71: 1-12.
  • Gebhardt, A.C., C. Ohlendorf, F. Niessen, M. De Batist, F.S. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, B. Zolitschka (2012).Seismic evidence of a highly dynamic lake development in Southeastern Patagonia during the Late Pleistocene. Sedimentology, 59: 1087-1100.
  • Gogorza, C.S.G., M.A. Irurzun, A.M. Sinito, A. Lisé-Pronovost, G. St-Onge, T. Haberzettl, C. Ohlendorf, S. Kastner, B. Zolitschka (2012). High-resolution paleomagnetic records from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina) for the last 16,000 years. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 13, Q12Z37.
  • Kim, K.J., Zolitschka, B., Jull, A.J.T., Ohlendorf, C., Haberzettl, T., Matsuzaki, H. (2012). Tracing environmental change in southern Patagonia using Beryllium isotopes, (Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina). Quaternary Geochronology, 9: 27-33.
  • Ojala, A.E.K., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B., Besonen, M. and Lamoureux, S.F. (2012).The chronological characteristics of sedimentary varves – a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 43: 45-60.
  • Recasens, C., Ariztegui, D., Gebhardt, A. C., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Lisé-Pronovost, A., Lücke, A., Maidana, N., Mayr, C., Ohlendorf, C., Sch?bitz, F., St-Onge, G., Wille, M., Zolitschka, B., the PASADO Science Team, 2012. New insights into paleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia, since the Late Pleistocene: the PASADO multiproxy record. The Holocene, 22: 1322-1335.
  • Tylmann, W., Szpakowska, K., Ohlendorf, C., Woszczyk, M. & Zolitschka, B., 2012. Conditions for deposition of annually laminated sediments in small meromictic lakes: a case study of Lake Suminko (northern Poland). Journal of Paleolimnology, 47: 55-70.
  • Zolitschka B., P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, A. Schimmelmann (2012). Deciphering climatic and environmental signals from varved sediments by applying process-related studies, PAGES news, 20: 95.
  • Zolitschka, B., ed., 2012. 3rd PAGES Varves Working Group Workshop: Manderscheid, 20.-24.3.2012 – Program and Abstracts. Terra Nostra 2012/1: 1-113.
  • Zolitschka, B., ed., 2012. Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project – 4th International PASADO Workshop: Bremen, 27.-29.8.2012, Program and Abstracts. Terra Nostra 2012/2: 1-48.
  • Besonen, M., P. Francus, A.E.K. Ojala, R. Behl, B. Zolitschka (2011). Learning from other communities: Towards more robust varve chronologies, PAGES news, 19: 88-89.
  • Gebhardt, A.C., M. De Batist, F. Niessen, F.S. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, C. Kopsch, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka (2011). Origin and evolution of the Laguna Potrok Aike maar, Southern Patagonia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 201: 357-363.
  • Guyard, H., G. St-Onge, R. Pienitz, P. Francus, B. Zolitschka, G.K.C. Clarke, S. Hausmann, V.-P. Salonen, P. Lajeunesse, G. Ledoux, M. Lamothe (2011).????  New insight into late Pleistocene glacial and postglacial history of northernmost Ungava (Canada) from the Pingualuit crater lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30: 3892-3907.
  • Hahn, A., P. Rosen, P. Kliem, C. Ohlendorf, P. Persson, B. Zolitschka, and the PASADO science team (2011). Comparative study of infrared techniques for fast biogeochemical sediment analyses. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12: Q10003.
  • Kirilova, E.P., O. Heiri, P. Bluszcz, B. Zolitschka, A. F. Lotter, 2011. Climate-driven shifts in diatom assemblages recorded in annually laminated sediments of Sacrower See (NE Germany). Aquatic Sciences 73: 201–210.
  • Gogorza, C.S.G., A.M. Sinito, C. Ohlendorf, S. Kastner, B. Zolitschka, 2011. Paleosecular variation and paleointensity records for the last millennium from southern South America (Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 184: 41-50.
  • Ohlendorf, C., C. Gebhardt, A. Hahn, P. Kliem, B. Zolitschka and the PASADO science team, 2011. The PASADO core processing strategy - Sediment core treatment in an interdisciplinary deep lake drilling project. Sedimentary Geology, 239: 104-115.
  • Rosén, P., H. Vogel, L. Cunningham, A. Hahn, S. Hausmann, R. Pienitz, B. Zolitschka, B. Wagner, P. Persson (2011). Universally applicable model for the quantitative determination of lake sediment composition using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology, 45 : 8858-8865.
  • Enters, D., Behling, H., Mayr, C., Dupont, L., Zolitschka, B., 2010. Holocene environmental dynamics of south-eastern Brazil recorded in laminated sediments of Lago Aleixo. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 265–277;
  • Enters, D., Jahns, S., Kirilova, E., Kuhn, G., Lotter, A., Lücke, A., Parplies, J., Zolitschka, B., 2010. Climate change and human impact at Sacrower See (NE Germany) during the past 13,000 years: a geochemical record. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43: 719-737.
  • Kastner, S., Ohlendorf, C., Enters, D., Haberzettl, T.,????  Kuhn, G., Lücke, A., Mayr, C., Reyss, J.-L., Wasteg?rd, S., B. Zolitschka (2010). Reconstructing 2000 years of hydrological variation derived from laminated proglacial sediments of Lago del Desierto at the eastern margin of the South Patagonian Icefield, Argentina. Global and Planetary Change, 72: 201-214.
  • Kastner, S., Ohlendorf, C., Haberzettl, T., Lücke, A., Mayr, C., Maidana, N.I., Sch?bitz, F.,????  Zolitschka, B. (2010). Southern Hemispheric Westerlies control the spatial distribution of modern sediments in Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 887-902.
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