
Geographisches Kolloquium mit William Westgard-Cruice (Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA / Universit?t Hamburg)

Am 24.01.2024 um 16:15h h?lt William Westgard-Cruice von der Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA / Universit?t Hamburg einen Vortrag zum Thema "Recent transformations in the offshore wind power industry: A Marxian approach" (Raum: GW2, B1150)

The large-scale expansion of wind power generation is central to the decarbonization of our global energy system. It is clear, however, that the wind power industry is currently experiencing a deep crisis, with crucial offshore wind projects being cancelled and major wind turbine suppliers facing billions of euros in losses. Amidst this present crisis, historically significant shifts in the geography of production are underway, with developers, suppliers, and contractors restructuring existing operations and transforming labour regimes as they expand into new territories. To understand this restructuring process, it is necessary to analyze the essential contradictions and antagonisms shaping the development of complex production systems in the capitalist mode of production. This talk thus advances a value-theoretical and class-relational approach to theorizing geographical and organizational transformations of the global wind power sector. The analysis raises vital political questions concer-ning the directionality and pace of our transition from fossil fuels.

