Aims and objectives
The Malta Centre is jointly supported by the University of Bremen and the Università ta' Malta through a cooperation agreement.
The Malta Centre, which is unique as an academic institution outside Malta, places Maltese at the centre of all its activities. The central tasks of the Malta Centre are the research, description and communication of Maltese using adequate scientific methods and instruments as well as the organizational and logistical support of corresponding projects. With its help, Maltese is established as a subject of research and teaching at the university level, even beyond the national borders of Malta.
The Malta Centre is in the broadest sense and exclusively a linguistic institution and consequently assigned to the Faculty 10 Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Bremen, where it is integrated into the course of studies in Linguistics / Language Sciences (BA/MA). There, the Malta Centre functions, among other things, as a clearinghouse of the G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija / International Association of Maltese Linguistics (G?iLM), which is the association of all linguistic researchers concerned with Maltese.
Together with and on behalf of G?iLM, the Malta Centre prepares the biennial conferences (Lingwistika Maltija) held at different locations in Europe, accompanies their implementation and follow-up, and is actively involved in the documentation of the conference papers and results in the form of anthology publications by the internationally renowned publishing house De Gruyter.
One of the ways in which the Malta Centre supports research projects is by providing sustainable resources. On the one hand, this is the Maltese Library with its well over 1,000 printed works of various genres in Maltese, which can be consulted on-site for research purposes. On the other hand, a continuously expanding bibliography of Maltese linguistics is accessible online, through which all linguistically relevant literature on Maltese can be traced. The Malta Centre also offers visiting scholars the opportunity to work on projects in the field of Maltese linguistics on its premises and to exchange ideas with other experts.
Through the Malta Centre, Maltese is integrated into the curriculum of the two linguistics programs at the University of Bremen by regularly offering courses related to the Maltese language at both Bachelor's and Master's level and by supervising theses on topics related to Maltese linguistics. In addition, guest lectures, colloquia, workshops, study days, field trips, and field research visits are organized to bring topics in Maltese linguistics to the student audience and other interested parties. In addition to these strictly linguistic offerings, the Malta Centre hosts annual summer courses in the practical acquisition of Maltese, led by a native Maltese speaker, which are frequently attended by people interested in Maltese from other countries in Europe and the United States.
In direct connection with the Malta Centre, research focused on Maltese is also carried out by the Bremen Linguistics Department, among which the following are particularly noteworthy from recent times: (a) the productivity of Italian derivational morphology adopted into Maltese by borrowing, investigated by Benjamin Saade in 2020 until his successful doctorate, and (b) the project Prepositions and their Grammar in Maltese, approved by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2018 and carried out by Maike Vorholt in a lead role and with the goal of a doctorate since fall 2019.
I?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti huwa mmexxi, b'mod kon?unt, mill-Università ta' Bremen u l-Università ta' Malta permezz ta' ftehim ta' kooperazzjoni.
I?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti, istituzzjoni akkademika unika li tinsab barra minn Malta, ipo??i l-Malti fi?-?entru tal-attivitajiet kollha tieg?u. L-g?anijiet ?entrali ta?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti huma r-ri?erka, id-deskrizzjoni tal-lingwa u l-komunikazzjoni bil-Malti bl-u?u ta’ metodi u strumenti xjentifi?i adegwati kif ukoll joffri l-appo?? organizzattiv u lo?istiku fuq pro?etti korrispondenti. Bl-g?ajnuna ta?-?entru, il-Malti huwa su??ett ta’ ri?erka u ta’ tag?lim f’livell universitarju, anke lil hinn mill-fruntieri nazzjonali ta’ Malta.
I?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti huwa, fl-aktar sens wiesa’ u esklussiv, istituzzjoni lingwistika, u g?alhekk, jaqa’ ta?t ir-responsabbiltà ta’ Fakultà 10 tal-Lingwistika u Studji Letterarji fl-Università ta’ Bremen, fejn huwa integrat fil-kors ta’ studji fil-Lingwistika/Xjenzi tal-Lingwi (BA/MA). Hemmhekk, i?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti jiffunzjona, fost affarijiet o?ra, b?ala clearinghouse tal-G?aqda Internazzjonali tal-Lingwistika Maltija / International Association of Maltese Linguistics (G?iLM), li hija l-asso?jazzjoni tar-ri?erkaturi lingwisti?i li ja?dmu fuq il-Malti.
Flimkien ma’ u f’isem l-G?iLM, i?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti jipprepara l-konferenzi biennali (Lingwistika Maltija) li jsiru f’postijiet differenti fl-Ewropa, jie?u ?sieb l-implimentazzjoni u s-segwitu tag?hom, u huwa involut b’mod attiv fid-dokumentazzjoni tad-dokumenti u r-ri?ultati tal-konferenzi fil-forma ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet ta’ antolo?ija mid-dar tal-pubblikazzjonijiet ta’ fama internazzjonali De Gruyter.
Wie?ed mill-modi kif i?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti jappo??ja pro?etti ta’ ri?erka huwa billi jipprovdi ri?orsi sostenibbli. Minn na?a, hemm il-Librerija Maltija li fiha aktar minn 1,000 xog?ol stampat ta’ diversi ?eneri bil-Malti, li jistg?u ji?u kkonsultati fuq il-post g?al skopijiet ta’ ri?erka. Min-na?a l-o?ra, te?isti bibljografija tal-lingwistika Maltija li qed tespandi kontinwament u hija a??essibbli onlajn. Permezz tag?ha, l-utenti jistg?u jfittxu l-letteratura lingwistika rilevanti dwar il-Malti. I?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti joffri wkoll l-opportunità biex l-istudju?i vi?itaturi ja?dmu fuq pro?etti fil-qasam tal-lingwistika Maltija u biex jiddiskutu l-ideat tag?hom ma’ esperti o?ra.
Permezz ta?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti, il-Malti ?ie integrat fil-kurrikulu ta?-?ew? programmi lingwisti?i fl-Università ta’ Bremen u joffri regolarment korsijiet relatati mal-lingwa Maltija, kemm fil-livell ta’ Ba?ellerat kif ukoll ta’ Masters, kif ukoll imexxi te?ijiet dwar su??etti relatati mal-lingwistika Maltija. Barra minn hekk, ji?u organizzati lek?ers, colloquia, workshops, ?ranet ta’ studju, vja??i lejn Malta, u ?jarat ta’ ri?erka f’Malta biex iqarrbu su??etti fil-lingwistika Maltija lejn l-udjenza studenteska u lejn dawk kollha interessati. Minbarra dawn l-offerti strettament lingwisti?i, i?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti jospita korsijiet annwali fis-sajf li jiffukaw fuq l-akkwist prattiku tal-Malti, immexxija minn kelliema nattiva tal-Malti, li g?alihom spiss jattendu nies interessati fil-Malti minn pajji?i o?ra fl-Ewropa u l-Istati Uniti.
B’rabta diretta ma?-?entru tal-Ilsien Malti, issir ukoll ri?erka ffukata fuq il-Malti mid-Dipartiment tal-Lingwistika ta’ Bremen. Dawn li ?ejjin huma pro?etti notevoli li saru fi ?minijiet ri?enti: (a) il-produttività tal-morfolo?ija derivattiva Taljana li l-Malti ssellef, pro?ett li fuqu ?adem Benjamin Saade sa ma kiseb id-dottorat b’su??ess fl-2020, u (b) il-pro?ett Prepositions and their Grammar in Maltese, approvat mill-German Research Foundation (DFG) fl-2018. Dan il-pro?ett bdiet ta?dem fuqu Maike Vorholt fil-?arifa tal-2019 bil-g?an li tikseb dottorat.
Quicklinks | Menù
- Home | Fa??ata
- Aims and objectives | G?anijiet
- History | Storja
- Team and guests
- Library | Librerija
- Bibliography | Bibliografija
- Research | Ri?erka
- Conferences | Konferenzi
- Maltese in the curriculum | Il-Malti fil-kurrikulu
- Practical language classes | Klassijiet pratti?i tal-lingwa
- Chronicles
- Links
- Contact | Kuntatt
- The Maltese language | Il-lingwa Maltija