Prof. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid, Ph.D. (EUI Florence)
Professor of European Economic Constitutional Law, Economic Law and Private Law
Director Centre of European Law and Politics
Office Hours:
Thursdays 13:00 bis 14:00 hrs after registration by E-Mail
University of Bremen Telephone: +49 (0)421 218-66203
Forum am Domshof, Room 30011 |
Berufliche T?tigkeiten
Since 2007
Visiting Professorships at the Universities of La Laguna and Tarragona
(Spain); Trento and Sassari (Italy).
Since August 2005
Director at ZERP and Professor (W3) for European Private, Commercial, Economic Constitutional and Comparative Law at the University of Bremen
Additional academic functions:
? Representative of the Department of International Affairs and Erasmus
? Bremen coordinator of the course of studies "Hanse Law School" (Bachelor's and Master's programme in European and Comparative Law, together with the Universities of Oldenburg and Groningen)
? Chairman of the examining board (2013-2018)
Appointment as private lecturer at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
2002 – 2005
Scientific coordinator of the "European Private Law Forum" at EHI Florence; organisation of comparative law research projects on tenancy and real estate law in Europe, funded by the European Commission
2001 – 2004
Lecturer at the Universities of Rijeka (Croatia) and Novi Sad (Serbia), organized by the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation and the DAAD.
Participants of an expert hearing on the harmonisation of civil and commercial law in the EU before the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels
1997 – 1999
Marie Curie Research Fellow at the EUI Florence
Collaboration at the chair of Prof. Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, LMU Munich (focus: IPR expert opinion)
1994 – 95
Elective traineeship at the German Embassy in Brussels (legal and press department)
1992 – 1995
Legal clerkship in Landshut and Munich.
Five-month research stay at the University of Berkeley/California
Four-month development aid internship at Brot für die Welt in Potosi, Bolivia
1989 – 1993
Worked for the German-Italian law firm Blume & Asam, Munich
Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturing qualification); teaching authorisation granted in the subjects of civil law, commercial law, German, European and international business law, private international law, comparative law and legal theory
1999 – 2002
Bavarian Habilitation Award for the Habilitation Project The Instrumentalization of Private Law by the European Union (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, LL.M)
1997 – 1999
Start of a habilitation project on the Europeanization of private law, supervised by Prof. Dagmar Coester-Waltjen (Munich) and Prof. Christian Joerges (Florence)
Ab September 1995
Postgraduate studies in European Law and Comparative Law at the European University Institute Florence; Ph.D. research work on the conflict over the EC banana market organisation (supervisor Prof. Christian Joerges and Prof. Claus-Dieter Ehlermann)
Annual scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service and the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V. (Studienvereinigung Antitrust Law Association)
Second State Examination and Doctorate in Munich, Topic: The Interaction of Uniform UN Sales Law and National Law (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andreas Heldrich)
Start of doctorate with Prof. Andreas Heldrich, LMU Munich; Topic: "The Interplay of Uniform UN Sales Law and National Law";
Bavarian Doctoral Scholarship under the Law for the Promotion of Young Academics and Artists
First State Examination in Law in Munich
1989 – 1991
Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Study abroad at the University of Geneva
1986 – 1991
Studied law and specialised foreign language training in English, French and Italian at the University of Passau
European private and commercial law, comparative law and legal theory, interdisciplinary connections to political science and integration theory. Current research projects on judicial governance in the EU, in particular the role of the European Court of Justice in private law, and on tenancy and real estate law in Europe.
Wintersemester 2022/2023
Lecture Internationales Privatrecht
Lecture Wirtschaftsrecht II - 2 (Wettbewerbsrecht)
Seminar European Economic Constitutional Law
Seminar Comparative Contract Law ( english language, together with Tobias Pinkel)
Sommersemester 2022
Lecture Gesetzliche Schuldverh?ltnisse
Seminar European Housing Law & Policy
Summer School on Housing Law and Policy in Europe
Wintersemester 2020/2021
Lecture Internationales Privatrecht
Lecture Wirtschaftsrecht II - 2 (Wettbewerbsrecht)
Lecture Methodik der Rechtsvergleichung
Seminar Intellectual Property Law (english language, together with Dr. Chenguo Zhang)
Publications (pdf) (March 2021)
Selected publications (65MB)