Isabel Hansen

Digitales Marketing


Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 Geb?ude, Raum F3070

Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-66745
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About the Person:

Isabel Hansen has been a research assistant and doctoral student in the 'Digital Marketing' research group of Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbei? since October 2023.

Previously, she completed her Bachelor in 'Business Administration' (B.Sc.) with a focus on marketing at HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration. After that, she decided to do her master's degree in 'Marketing and Sales Management' (M.A.) at NORAKADEMIE.

After several years in practice, among others as Marketing and Strategy Consultant at a corporate group, she is now focusing even more on research and teaching.