
  • "The Out-of-Home project seminar was the best seminar of my university career. The close collaboration with Str?er and ZGF enabled me to apply my theoretical knowledge to practice settings, which I consider very valuable".

    Henry Wolter, master student at the University of Bremen

  • “The knowledge which we gained during a practical application in a project module helped us, to found our own online marketing agency Admospherics during our time at the university".

    Founder Malte Ulbricht

Your contact partner regarding teaching

Maximilian Fiedler (Digital Marketing)

WIWI 2 building, room F 3190
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66748
maxfieprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Ole Gardewin (Innovative Brand Management)

WIWI 2 building, room F 3390
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66582


Kristina Klein (Consumer behavior)

WIWI 2 building, room F3210
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66970
kkleinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Teaching philosophy

We equip our students with up-to-date knowledge in the areas of digital marketing, identity-based brand management and consumer behavior. Furthermore, we educate them to apply this knowledge in various contexts, critically reflect on it and present their solutions convincingly in discussions.

Our teaching activities follow four principles:

? High practical relevance, i.e. through guest lectures, student projects with partners from business practice, as well as knowledge transfer based on case studies and simulations

? Providing methodological competences (i.e. big data, experimental research, qualitative and quantitative market research)

? Lecturers are approachable, open and attentive toward students

Individual supervision und interactivity in tteaching through discussions, workshops, student presentations, feedback


Teaching Portfolio

Bachelor Lehre


The markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology provides bachelor students with a broad teaching portfolio in the specialization IEM2



The markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology provides master students with a broad teaching portfolio.
