Marieke Schewe

Innovative Brand Management


Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 Building, Room F3340

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66575
marieke.scheweprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Personal details

Marieke Schewe has been a research assistant and doctoral candidate in the Innovative Brand Management research group since October 2022.

She completed both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in business administration at the University of Bremen. In her Bachelor's degree, she chose to focus on marketing and brand management, which she further deepened in her Master's degree. She also decided to major in logistics. During her semester abroad at Halmstad University, Sweden, she also took courses in the Master's programme Strategic Entrepreneurship for International Growth.

Ms Schewe was able to gain practical experience during an internship in the field of content marketing and during her three-year employment as a student assistant at the markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology.