Welcome to the Department for Resilient Energy Systems

  • Information about the Department for Resilient Energy Systems

Research Focus

Research interests and activities of the Working Group are as follow:

  • In the Industrial Ecology, among other works for material flow management - in particular the substance flow analysis of critical metals (with a focus on identifying and avoiding dissipative losses) for hazardous substance prevention or substitution, as well as opportunities and risks of new technologies' (such as nanotechnology and synthetic biology. ) performed.
  • In the implementation of life cycle assessments and material flow analysis with the software GaBi and Umberto. Since May 2011, the Department of Umberto Competence Center.
  • In the development of sustainability strategies in cooperation with companies, where the main focus is on a better understanding of innovation processes.
  • In the climate adaptation. The focus here is the resilient energy supply in the Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg.
  • In the development of methods for technology evaluation, particularly for prospective and in-process technology evaluation. One approach is here, for example the extension of the LCA method to entropy balances.
  • In the prospective and preventive-oriented technology design.

The activities of the department therefore include both basic research and application-oriented projects.

On the following pages you will find a list of

  • current research projects as well as the already
  • completed research projects.


Final Meeting of the first Project Phase

Am 14. und 15. Juni 2022 fand an der Technischen Universit?t Bergakademie Freiberg das Abschlusstreffen von Phase 1 des Projektes KEROSyN100 statt. Neben spannenden Vortr?gen bot die gelungene Veranstaltung ausreichend Raum für Diskussionen und geselligen Austausch. Aufbauend auf den vielversprechenden Erkenntnissen, die das Konsortium in der erfolgreichen ersten Projektphase erarbeitet hat, wollen wir nun Phase 2 auf den Weg bringen. Diese wird neben der Errichtung und dem Forschungsbetrieb einer gro?technischen Methanol-to-Jet Demonstrationsanlage in der Raffinerie Heide auch die Zertifizierung des Herstellungspfades umfassen.

Our Partners

hyBit consortium partners

Partners W?rmewende Nordwest

Further Partners of our Department