Online-openbook-examination with the LPLUS teststudio 3
Brief description
Online Open Book exams are characterized by the fact that they are written simultaneously in a limited period of time at the home workstation, any materials such as books and recordings may be used, there is no proctoring and there is no authentication via passport control.
Open-book exams usually aim to test application, analysis, and synthesis skills via essay questions and other open response formats. It is important to assure that the answers cannot be determined directly via internet research. As e-exam system we use the LTS3, the technical preparation and support is done by the ZMML. The subsequent scoring an export of exam data is carried out online by the exam administrators. Equivalent alternative formats for students who lack the technical requirements for online examinations must be offered in order to maintain equal opportunities and studyability (fairness requirement).
Further informations and downloads
For students
- System for Online Exams
- Procedures and technical requirements for online openbook exams
- Video tutorial on how to use the LTS3 examination system (video in german language)
- Demo exam
- FAQ collection about online exams via LTS3
For lecturers
- Online-exam system, LTS-Editor (VPN neccessary) and Testcenter-Management-Tool
- Online Examinations - Recommendations for Examination Coordinators/Examiners
- Exam design and question types in the LTS3 (in german language)
- Demo exams from a studends view and showing the LTS3 question types
- LPLUS manual LTS-Editor (in german language)
- LPLUS manual LTS3 - exam design, scoring and reporting (in german language)
- Handout and Tutorial LTS-Editor (in german language)
- Videotutorial LTS3 (in german language)
- Early information for students on the procedure (registration and deregistration, exam withdrawals, technical requirements, timetable) and on regulations, e.g. in the event of technical problems and access barriers
- LTS editor training for those responsible for examinations (at least 35 days before the examination date)
- Completion of the examination tasks in the LTS editor up to 21 days before the examination
- Set-up of the exam by the ZMML approx. 20 days before the exam
- Online quality control: content, time allotment, max. number of points, assessment settings, task sequence and other options. Task revision in the LTS editor. Completion 10 days before the exam
- Provision of the list of participants as an Excel spreadsheet with last name, first name, matriculation number and university e-mail address by those responsible for the examination 7 days before the examination.
- Sending of the access data and further information to the students by e-mail by the ZMML 6 days before the examination. If necessary, activation of a demo exam, which the students can start as a self-assessment to get to know the system and the question types independent of time (only one execution possible).
- Technical support and, if necessary, introductory/accompanying video conference for the examination with the participation of the ZMML.
- Post-assessment of open-ended tasks, export of exam data.
Additional Notes:
Please plan for an exam-accompanying communication option via videoconference, e-mail, chat or telephone hotline in case of problems or urgent questions. This cannot be provided by the ZMML. If sufficient identical texts are found when carrying out a plagiarism check, we recommend that all affected examination performances are assessed as "failed". Following the online assessment in the examination system, you can independently export the result lists, exam printouts (PDF) and statistics. The results will be announced in the usual way (usually PABO), the obligation to archive the examination records (approx. 3 years, see archiving deadlines) lies with you. The Universit?tsarchiv provides informations for the deadlines.
- Log in at with the data received by e-mail (valid only once for this appointment, new login data will be created for further appointments and examinations).
- Display of a declaration of consent, health and autonomy to be confirmed.
- Release of the start of the examination approx. 5 minutes before the official start, cancellation of the release at the latest 15 minutes after the official start.
- Display of an information text at the start of the examination, in which the most important, examination-specific conditions are pointed out (procedure in the event of technical problems, announcement of the plagiarism check, consequences in the event of attempted cheating, ...).
- Continuing technical problems should be documented by the student (screenshots) and the person responsible for the examination should be informed promptly. If necessary, the attempt will not be graded and a retake date or an alternative form of examination will be arranged.
- Examinations handed in without credible problem documentation count as a regular examination attempt.
- The focus on transfer and application knowledge as well as the need for efficient use of relevant sources increase the competence orientation of the exam.
- Unlike oral video exams or homework, identical tasks can be set for all students. In addition, time flexibility is gained in the assessment, which can also be carried out in teams.
- By means of a restrictive time quota as well as the combination of technical options such as random selection of questions, random order when compiling the examination, predefined processing time per question and fixed processing order, the probability or success of students working together during the examination can be considerably reduced.
- The number of participants is essentially limited by the available resources for correction. From a technical point of view, experiences with up to 400 simultaneous accesses are available so far, in which no performance problems or a significant load on the servers was found.
- Factual knowledge can only be tested indirectly via its correct application.
- Compared to an e-exam in the test center with predominantly closed questions, the correction effort is very high.
- Equivalent to homework, it cannot be prevented that students communicate with others or have the exam written by someone else. When registering in the examination system, a declaration of independence is displayed, which must be confirmed (see also AT-PO §8 para. 9).
- A test under time pressure, with the aim of reducing the exchange among students, may lead to construct-irrelevant variances, i.e. the testing of skills that are not part of the intended learning outcomes. For example, quick thinkers may be given preference, or to a certain extent media competence may be tested instead of subject competence.
- Unequal technical conditions among students (hardware, Internet connection) endanger equal opportunities, as is the case with all synchronous online formats.
- Technical problems on the part of the students (disconnections, slow network) are possible. In this case, retries or alternative formats must be offered.