Win a Tutor

Improving teaching and study quality through innovative eLearning application scenarios

The aim of the project is to promote, test and publicise good didactic concepts, methods and application examples for the use of digital media in university teaching in a series of small projects (4-5 per semester) through the provision of student assistants, training and advisory services. This support for small projects is organised and advertised by the ZMML and awarded on the basis of selected criteria (appropriate distribution across the departments, consideration of key topics, etc.).

The direct target group consists of all status groups involved in teaching, i.e. professors, lecturers, lecturers, research assistants and student tutors, for whom the transfer of known e-didactic methods and models into their own teaching practice is to be achieved. Ultimately, however, the measure benefits the students, who can achieve better learning effects with more fun and motivation. Priority will be given to projects with first-year students, students in the final phase, international students and students with children in order to promote the start and successful completion of their studies.

Projekt data

Project management:
Dr. Yildiray Ogurol

Studienkontengelder der Universit?t Bremen

Duration: since 2007


Martina Salm