Artificial intelligence in teaching
On this page you will find
- current information and courses at the University of Bremen,
- information pages and a series of courses from external providers as well as
- information on AI tools, prompting, self-study courses for lecturers and students, legal information and recommended reading.
AI and Teaching at the University of Bremen
The AI working group in teaching and learning coordinates developments at the university and works on a coordinated approach. The working group is led by the Vice President for Teaching and Studies and consists of a core team with representatives from the Administrative Unit 13: Teaching and Studies, the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) team and the ZMML. Cooperating institutions include the Studierwerkstatt, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB), the Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen and interested lecturers. Other interested parties are cordially invited to participate
Plans are currently being made for university-wide and data protection-compliant access to some free and commercial LLMs such as ChatGPT via a standardized interface for the winter semester 2024/25 (GenKI@UHB project).
The ZMML currently uses the AI application Whisper AI for the automatic translation and subtitling of educational videos recorded in lecture halls with opencast technology. This also applies to all videos uploaded to Stud.IP courses using the Opencast plugin.
In addition, there is a Stud.IP plugin for transcribing and subtitling video and audio files, which is also accessible to students (and is well suited for interview transcriptions, for example).
Overviews and events series is the most important information portal for (digital) university teaching and provides a selection of key information, further training opportunities and selected literature references on the AI in teaching and learning page. The special topic "AI in university practice" in the winter semester 2023/24 dealt with the successful use of AI in university teaching, the success factors and highlighted the critical questions on the topic.
The Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH) offers a wide range of resources and information specially curated for university staff on its topic page on artificial intelligence: Recordings of past events, online courses, guidelines, statements and handouts from universities and an AI toolbox. Current training dates for various AI tools can be found here: MMKH training courses.
The Fernuni Hagen offers, among other things, recommendations for the didactic use of generative AI in university teaching and presents various use cases and organizes the networking of a community of practice within the framework of five Open Think Tanks together with the AI Campus.
Series on AI in university teaching. Lecture series from the year 2023 of the German Association for University Didactics (dghd): How AI works, prompting, legal aspects and the diverse didactic implications. The videos are permanently available on the YouTube channel.
The Virtual Competence Center: Artificial Intelligence and Academic Writing (VK:KIWA) focuses in particular on AI-supported writing at universities and offers research-based publications, qualification and training courses as well as other resources through a network of experts, including contributions from lecturers in the Department of Linguistics and Literature at the University of Bremen (Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer and Prof. Dr. Matthis Kepser, see recommended reading).
Understanding artificial intelligence (AI): The OER explanatory video series "AI for all: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" on the TIB AV-Portal, which was created as part of, explains the essential basics in a comprehensible way. Responsible: Heine Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (HeiCAD), Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU),
In its AI toolbox, the MMKH presents a selection of AI text generators & chatbots, AI research tools, AI image generators and AI video generators. In addition, 30-minute introductory Workshops to the various AI tools are held regularly. The events are recorded.
The VK:KIWA offers a comprehensive overview of AI tools in the context of academic reading and writing processes.
The Fernuni Hagen presents a short tool overview; many other AI applications are presented at the Tool Tip Tuesday (a joint series of the KI-Campus with VK:KIWA and the FernUni), which are also recorded.
The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) and the AI Campus offered the "Prompt Lab" in 2023, where lecturers were able to gain practical experience with generative language AIs, discuss scenarios and develop them further. The tested prompts were documented and shared in an OER prompt catalog. The content of the Prompt Lab is also available as self-study material.
Prompt Lab University Teaching 2.0: In addition to the online course Prompt Lab on the AI Campus, the HFD will be offering accompanying online events for direct exchange from September 2024 - the "Prompt Retros". Registration is possible from August 2024.
The Decoder: ChatGPT Guide: Prompt strategies for better results. Collection of various useful prompt strategies applicable to all types of texting.
ChatGPT prompt competence: Basics and recommendations for prompting from the Didactics Media Center of the TU Augsburg. An offer for lecturers and students.
Self-study courses for teachers and students
The AI-Campus is a BMBF-funded learning platform that offers free online courses, videos and podcasts on Artificial Intelligence. AI to listen to, watch and participate in. The AI-Campus newsletter keeps you informed about all new courses.
The Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) offers various self-learning courses, e.g. AI tools explained in brief, storytelling and use for studies.
University didactic self-study courses by Dr. Ulrike Hanke. They consist of individual small video-based learning units and practical checklists and templates based on constructive alignment. There is a charge, but they are affordable. A chart "Learning and testing in a world with ChatGPT using the learning objectives taxonomy" is available for a sneak preview in addition to individual lectures.
Legal information
AI detectors and digital examinations - possibilities and legal limits. Online event on January 17, 2024 with the following presentations: Human or machine? Possibilities and limits of AI detectors: Prof. Dr. Debora Weber-Wulff. Audit law challenges in times of AI generators: Dr. Janine Horn (ELAN/SOUVER@N)
Data protection issues and (possible) implications of the EU AI Act for the higher education sector: Jens O. Brelle (MMKH)
New rules on artificial intelligence (AI) - What does this mean for universities? MMKH online training from February 6, 2024 with Jens O. Brelle. The contents of the AI Regulation, the references to data protection law and OpenData and in particular relevant references for (public) universities were discussed.
Legal foundations of AI use in studies, teaching and examinations, lecture by Dr. Janine Horn (ELAN e.V.) at the University of Vechta as part of the lecture series "Let's talk about AI" (24.04.2024)
Copyright and data protection for ChatGPT & Co. in university teaching, Andrea Schlotfeldt | HOOU@HAW
Didactic and legal perspectives on AI-supported writing in higher education. Peter Salden & Jonas Lescke (eds.). Center for Science Didactics at the Ruhr University Bochum). March 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) in copyright law: What are the rights? April 2024
Artificial intelligence and copyright - questions and answers. BMJ March 2024
Reading recommendations
Publications from the University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer (Linguistics and Literary Studies ) Brommer, S., Berendes, J., Bohle-Jurok, U., Buck, I., Girgensohn, K., Grieshammer, E., Gr?ner, C., Gürtl, F., HollosiBoiger, C., Klamm, C., Knorr, D., Limburg, A., Mundorf, M., Stahlberg, N., Unterpertinger, E. (2023). Sharing responsibility for scientific writing in the age of AI. Discussion paper no. 27. Berlin: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
- Brommer, S., & Heimgartner, S. (2024). AI-based tools for scientific writing.
- Prof. Dr. Matthis Kepser (Linguistics and Literary Studies)
Kepser, M. (2023). Recognizing AI text in examination papers. Problems and solutions. - What does AI mean for university teaching?
What are the consequences of students using tools such as ChatGPT for assignments and presentations? And what opportunities does AI offer for university teaching? These questions are the focus of the workshops at this year's [2023] Day of Teaching. Iria Sorge-R?der (11.2023), up2date. The online magazine of the University of Bremen,
Large Language Models and their potential in the education system. Impulse paper of the Standing Scientific Commission (SWK) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.
Schmohl, Tobias [ed.]; Watanabe, Alice [ed.]; Schelling, Kathrin [ed:] Artificial intelligence in higher education. Opportunities and limits of AI-supported learning and teaching. Bielefeld: Transcript 2023, 283 p. - (Higher education: teaching and research; 4.
Fundamental text "Overview of ChatGPT in the context of university teaching" by Prof. Dr. Gabi Reimann (HUL).
Generative AI thematic dossier of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD); collection of blog posts, articles and publications.
The e-learning community publishes interesting articles on LinkedIn, some of which are provided as newsletters:
- Michael Kindt's weekly newsletter "Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning" contains current articles on various topics relating to AI in education (universities and schools). The articles are also published on the website
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Geyer (Instructional Design Unit) of the Burgenland University of Applied Sciences shares her diverse experiences on LinkedIn and presents exciting research results on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching (also via a newsletter or a blog).
- AI update compact: The Heise newsletter provides daily information on the latest technological developments. Also available as a podcast.
- Naturally intelligent: The Zeit online newsletter provides information on current developments every 14 days and analyzes future scenarios - hype or plausible?