
Archiving Ethnography - A Workshop on Collaborative Research, Enviromental Injustice and digital Infrastructures

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10-18h | Grazer Str. 2, RTG Contradiction Studies, Room: GRA2 0030 | Exciting workshop on Archive Ethnography to explore new ways of engaging with digital infrastructures and collaborative methods in ethnographic research.

***German version below***

Dear all, dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to our exciting workshop on Archive Ethnography to explore new ways of engaging with digital infrastructures and collaborative methods in ethnographic research.


Archive Ethnography is an emerging, experimental way to produce, curate, communicate and politically activate ethnographic knowledge. Based on case studies of industrial pollution in the United States, Vietnam, and Taiwan and indigenous scholar project on renewable energy and environmental injustice, participants of the workshop will learn critical concepts and hands-on-techniques for working with the Platform for Experimental Ethnography (PECE) and explore the possibilities for research designs, collaborative analysis, and creative exhibits.


Tim Schütz (University of California, Irvine) will introduce the project Environmental Injustice Global Record, with a focus on industrial pollution in the United States, Vietnam, and Taiwan. A group of Bunun (Taiwan indigenous/austronesian) researchers will present ongoing advocacy projects using archives and digital documentary to address issues of renewable energy, material-cultural heritage, and restorative justice in Taiwan. In a closing panel, Lina Franken (University Vechta) will discuss the opportunities and challenges of future PECE developments.


Please register until Sunday, June 16 by following this link: 

The workshop is open to all interested BA and MA students, PhDs and postdocs.

Organized by Martina Grimmig, Nurhak Polat, Tristan Brelage (University of Bremen); Tim Schütz (University of California, Irvine)




Archive Ethnography Workshop

gerne m?chten wir euch zu unserem spannenden Workshop zu Archive Ethnography einladen.

Archiv-Ethnographie ist ein neuer, experimenteller Weg, um ethnographisches Wissen zu produzieren, zu kuratieren, zu kommunizieren und politisch zu aktivieren. Anhand von Fallstudien über industrielle Umweltverschmutzung in den Vereinigten Staaten, Vietnam und Taiwan sowie eines Projekts indigener Wissenschaftler*innen über erneuerbare Energien und Umweltungerechtigkeit lernen wir gemeinsam kritische Konzepte und praktische Techniken für die Arbeit mit der Platform for Experimental Ethnography (PECE) kennen und erkunden die M?glichkeiten digitaler Infrastrukturen für Forschungsdesigns, kollaborative Analysen und kreative Ausstellungen.

Registriert euch bitte über folgenden Link bis Sonntag 16. Juni


Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme!


Euer Orga-Team, 

Martina Grimmig, Nurhak Polat, Tim Schütz & Tristan Brelage


Workshop Poster "Archiving Ethnography"