
Call for Films

Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film

The Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research at the University of Bremen invites film submissions to be screened at the 10th edition of the Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film in January 2022.

The Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film have been an integral part of the Department?s focus in the field of visual anthropology and ethnographic film. The festival is curated and organized by students and teaching staff. On three consecutive days international ethnographic films are screened alongside the latest works of the Department’s students. Film screenings and discussions with international filmmakers are taking place on campus and at the local cinema City46. The films are aimed at both anthropological audiences and the general public. The Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film thus enjoy popularity beyond the University.

Further information on the Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film and the programmes of the past years can be found here: /en/kultur/bremen-days-of-ethnographic-film

We are inviting films addressing cultural and societal issues of any length and genre that were produced in 2019 or later. Student films and films that were made as part of ethnographic or anthropological research are particularly welcome. The films need to be in German or English or have German or English subtitles.

Submissions should be made until October 15th 2021 via email to filmtageprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

To access the Call for Films, click here. The form for submission can be found here.
