
Wozu braucht es die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in der Klimapolitik?

Tuesday 18.01.2022 | 06:15pm - 7:45pm CET | online via Zoom | Talk by Dr. Oliver Geden and Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener, WoC-Kontrapunkte – Wissenschaft im Widerspruch as part of the series "The Sea Is Rising And So Are We"

In welchen Rollen, aus welchen Positionen und mit welchen Erfahrungen beteiligen sich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler:innen an der Erforschung von Klimawandel, den damit verbunden sozial?kologischen Transformationen sowie der Umsetzung von Wissen, Normen und Schlüsselindikatoren in Klimapolitik? Oliver Geden und Antje Wiener diskutieren über unterschiedliche Forschungszug?nge und Forschungspositionen im Kontext von Wissens- und Policy-Ordnungen wie beispielsweise dem IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Gewinner des Friedensnobelpreises 2007) oder den COPs (Conference of Partners to the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). Dabei geht es nicht nur um den Unterschied zwischen ?Umgang mit“ und ?L?sung von“ ?kologischen Problemen, sondern auch um Widersprüche und zum Teil absichtsvolle Inkonsistenzen in auf Langfristigkeit orientierten Politiken und um neue Formationen von Wissen, Normen, Macht und Regierung mit all ihren Konsequenzen für gesellschaftliche Bruchlinien. Es geht spezifisch und kontrovers vor allem auch um den Beitrag, den die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften zur ?bersetzung, Kritik und gesellschaftlichen, epistemologischen und kulturellen Kontextualisierung naturwissenschaftlichen Wissens über die Klima-Krise leisten k?nnen – und vielleicht nicht genug leisten.

Oliver Geden is Senior Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), an academic think tank advising both the German Federal Government and Parliament. Furthermore, he is a Research Associate at the University of Oxford’s Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, and a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Natolin/Warsaw. Geden’s work focuses on European and global climate policy, particularly the governance and politics of carbon dioxide removal. Geden has been a Visiting Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), and the University of California, Berkeley, among others. During his time at SWP, he has been seconded to the policy planning units of both the German Federal Foreign Office and German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Geden is a lead author for the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR6 Working Group 3 on mitigation) as well as a member of the Core Writing Team for the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report. He holds a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Humboldt University Berlin.

Professor Antje Wiener holds the Chair of Political Science, especially Global Governance at the University of Hamburg. She is an elected By-Fellow of Hughes Hall University of Cambridge since 2017, a Fellow of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences since 2011, and a Member of the Academia Europea since 2020. Before coming to Hamburg, she held Chairs in International Studies at Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Bath and has taught at the Universities of Stanford, Carleton, Sussex and Hannover. Her research and teaching centres on International Relations (IR) theory, especially norms research and contestation theory. Current projects include contested climate justice (Cluster of Excellence, CLICCS, Hamburg) as well as democratising security in turbulent times (Graduate College, LFF). With James Tully, she is co-founding editor of Global Constitutionalism (CUP, since 2012 ). And she also edits the Norm Research in International Relations Series (Springer). She currently serves on several Committees of the Academy of Social Sciences and she has been re-appointed to the ESRC‘s Global Challenges Research Fund Peer Review College in 2019. In 2021, she concluded her second three-year term as elected member of the Executive Committee of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). Her most recent book Contestation and Constitution of Norms in Global International Relations (CUP 2018) was awarded the International Law Section’s Book Prize in 2020.

Please register for this lecture via email at seasriseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

Plakat "Wozu braucht es die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in der Klimapolitik?"
Flyer "Wozu braucht es die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in der Klimapolitik?"
Program "The Sea Is Rising And So Are We"
