Prof. Dr. Vitaly Ogleznev
Research assistant
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lorenz K?hler
University of Bremen
Faculty of Law
Room: B 1240
D-28359 Bremen
Telephone: +49 (0)421 218-
E-Mail: ogleznevprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Personal Data
Title | Dr. Prof. |
First name | Vitaly |
Name | Ogleznev |
Current position | DFG Research Fellow |
Current institution(s)/site(s), country | Faculty of Law University of Bremen, Germany |
Qualifications and Career
Stages | Periods and Details |
School, country | The secondary school No. 16, Klaip?da, Lithuania, 1993–1997 The Russian classical gymnasium No. 2, Tomsk, Russian Federation, 1997–1999 (Diploma with distinction) |
Degree programme | Jurisprudence, 1999–2004, Faculty of Law, Tomsk State University, Russian Federation |
Doctorates | Candidate of Science (the Russian “kandidat naúk” is equivalent in Germany to PhD), April 27, 2007, Faculty of Philosophy, Tomsk State University, Russian Federation
Doctor of Science (the Russian “doktor naúk” is equivalent to a German habilitation), December 26, 2012, Faculty of Philosophy, Tomsk State University, Russian Federation |
Stages of academic/professional career | Oct 2023–to present, DFG Research Fellow, Faculty of Law University of Bremen
May 2023–Sept 2023, Senior Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), research stay
Nov 2022–April 2023, Humboldt Research Fellow, Faculty of Law University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), research stay
Sept 2019–June 2022, Professor, Faculty of Law Saint Petersburg State University (St Petersburg, Russian Federation), teaching
Sept 2013–Dec 2022, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russian Federation), teaching
July 2019–Sept 2019, DAAD Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), research stay
Oct 2019–March 2022, Humboldt Research Fellow, Faculty of Law University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), research stay
Sept 2018–Dec 2018, DAAD Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), research stay
Sept 2017–Dec 2022, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law Russian State University of Justice (Moscow, Russian Federation), teaching
Oct 2016–Nov 2016, Visiting Scholar, St John’s College University of Oxford (Oxford, UK), research stay
April 2016–May 2016, Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy University of Paris 8–St Denis (Paris, France), research stay
Sept 2015–Dec 2015, DAAD Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law University of Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), research stay
Jan 2015–June 2015, Research Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences (Wien, Austria), research stay
Sept 2014–Oct 2014, Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, The Wittgenstein Archives University of Bergen (Bergen, Norway), research stay
May 2010–Dec 2012, Visiting Scholar, Open Society Institute Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), research stay |
Engagement in the Research System
Member of the Vienna Circle Society (Vienna, Austria), 2023–to present.
Member of the Aristotelian Society (London, UK), 2020–to present.
Member of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science (Moscow, Russia), 2019–to present.
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia), 2020–2022.
Member of the Editorial Board of Russian State University of Justice Journal Justice (Moscow, Russia), 2019-2021.
Member of the Editorial Board of Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science (Tomsk, Russia), 2013–to present
Academic Distinctions
Walter Benjamin Fellowship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), 2023–2025
Max Planck Society Scholarship, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), 2023.
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), 2019–2022.
Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), 2019.
Immanuel Kant Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany), 2018.
Medal of the Tomsk Region Administration for Advances in Education and Science (Russian Federation), 2017.
Certificate of Appreciation from the Tomsk State University (Russian Federation), 2017.
Immanuel Kant Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany), 2015.
The Alexander Herzen Junior Visiting Fellowships, Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna, Austria), 2015.
Award of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Science for the best scientific article of young scientists (Russian Federation), 2012.
Open Society Institute–Budapest Scholarship, International Higher Education Support Program (Budapest, Hungary), 2010–2012.
Scientific Results
A) Books (Published originally in Russian, here they are translated):
- Ogleznev, V., Surovtsev, V. (2023), Analytic Legal Philosophy: Legal Language and Speech Acts. Moscow: “Canon+” Publishing Co. – 320 pp. ISBN 978-5-88373-749-6
- Ogleznev, V. (2022), P. M. S. Hacker on Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology. Moscow: “Canon+” Publishing Co. – 192 pp. ISBN 978-5-88373-703-8
- Didikin, A., Belyaev, M., Nehaev, A., Ogleznev, V., Jurev, R. (2021), The Aristotelean Society: 140 Years of Philosophical Dialogues. Moscow: “Prospect” Publishing Co. – 304 pp. ISBN 978-5-392-35309-5
- Ogleznev, V., Surovtsev, V. (2018), H. L. A. Hart on Philosophy and Language of Law. Moscow: “Canon+” Publishing Co. – 384 pp. ISBN 978-5-88373-016-9
- Ogleznev, V., Surovtsev, V. (2016), Analytic Philosophy, Legal Language, and Philosophy of Law. Tomsk State University Press. – 236 pp. ISBN 978-5-7511-2380-2
- Ogleznev, V. (2012), H. L. A. Hart and the Formation of Analytic Legal Philosophy. Tomsk State University Press. – 216 pp. ISBN 978-5-7511-2117-4 (in Russian)
- Didikin, A., Ogleznev, V. (2012), Ontology and Epistemology of Law: Analytic Tradition. Novosibirsk State University Press. – 200 pp. ISBN 978-5-4437-0124-0
B) Journal Articles:
Publications with peer review process (Published originally in English):
- Ogleznev, V. (2024), “Stipulative Definitions in Jurisprudence and Russian Legislative Practice”, Review of Central and East European Law (forthcoming).
- Ogleznev, V. (2022), “Friedrich Waismann’s Open Texture Argument and Definability of Empirical Concepts”, Philosophia. Philosophical Quarterly of Israel DOI:
- Ogleznev, V. (2021), “The Nature and Potential Applications of Contextual Definition in Philosophy of Law”, Filosofija. Sociologija, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 23–31 DOI:
- Ogleznev, V. (2019), “Is Searlean Insincere Promise a Speech Act?”, Filosofija. Sociologija, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 215–223 DOI:
- Ogleznev, V. (2019), “Ascriptive Legal Language and Its Origins in the Speech Act Theory”, Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science, Vol. 48, pp. 205–211 DOI:
- Ogleznev, V., Surovtsev, V. (2018), “The Constitution as an Axiomatic System”, Axiomathes, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 219–232 DOI:
- Ogleznev, V. (2018), “The Frege–Geach Problem, Modus Ponens, and Legal Language”, Problemos, Vol. 93, pp. 167–176 DOI: