Mirko Wiemann


Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 building, room F3220

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66972

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Mirko Wiemann has been a research assistant and PhD student in the "Consumer Behavior" working group under Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein and member of the graduate group “Diginomics”.

Previously he studied business psychology (B.Sc.) at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and consumer psychology & market research (M.Sc.) at the Harz University of Applied Sciences.

He gained practical experience in internships in (institutional and internal) market research, in the area of web analysis and as a student assistant at the University of Bremen. In addition, Mr. Wiemann conducted market research studies in the area of (hot) beverages and pet products.


Klein, K., Eisenbeiss, M., Dulle, M., Taherparvar, N., Wiemann, M., Wiezorrek, J. (2022). Marketing in a Digital World. In: Hornuf, L. (eds) Diginomics Research Perspectives. Advanced Studies in Diginomics and Digitalization. Springer, Cham.