FAQ: Stud.IP
Stud.IP for students (and university members without lecturer status in Stud.IP)
You can log in with the user name and password of the University of Bremen account, which is managed by the account administration of the Zentrum für Netze (ZfN). (See also the following FAQ on "How do I get the university account?")
Please note:
The username corresponds to the front part of the e-mail address (e.g.for muster@uni-bremen.de it?s muster).
Aliases, that you have set up in the ZfN account administration cannot be used for logging in.
You have been using a functional account, these do not work in Stud.IP.
For questions about account and password please contact the IT-Servicedesk (see also FAQ "The log-in does not work")
First semester students receive an activation ID and an activation password on the so-called Leporello. After logging in, this can be used on the activation website a user name must be selected and the personal password entered.
Cooperation students, early students, visiting students, guest and secondary students can fill out the application to set up a user account at the ZfN online.
You can manage password changes, set up forwarding and many other important settings for your university account in the ZfN-Onlinetools.
My log-in data does not work
There can be several reasons for this:
- The spelling of the password was wrong: When entering the password, it is essential to pay attention to upper/lower case. Make sure that the caps lock is not activated and that you are using the correct keyboard layout on your terminal.
- Instead of the user name, the complete e-mail address was entered: For the login, only the front part of the e-mail address must be entered (i.e. everything before the @ sign).
- The university account has just been applied for. New Uni Bremen user accounts must first "arrive" in Stud.IP. Logging in works at the latest one day after registration.
- An alias was used instead of the user name. Alias names created in the ZfN account administration cannot be used for login.
- A function account was used. For legal reasons, only personal university accounts can be used in Stud.IP.
Test whether you can log in with your data under webmail.uni-bremen.de . If this does not work and you are sure that you have used the correct data, please follow the instructions from the ZfN on the Uniaccount and on resetting the password.
If you receive an error message with the entry "duplicate entry", please contact the Stud.IP-Support
I have forgotten my password
If you have forgotten your password, please contact the account administration of the ZfN. There you will receive a new password upon presentation of a photo ID. If you have deposited a security query, you can also use the reset password online. All other data, such as your user name, will of course be retained.
Error messages
The Stud.IP error message for the failed log-in attempt contains important information on the cause and suggested solutions. If these do not help and you contact the support by e-mail, please attach a copy of the error message.
University of Oldenburg
Students of the University of Oldenburg can log into Bremen's Stud.IP via the Shibboleth login using their University of Oldenburg email account and register for all courses.
Hochschule Bremen and Construtor University
Students of Hochschule Bremen and Constructor University can log into Bremen Stud.IP with their university's e-mail account via the Shibboleth login, but can only register for courses that have been released for the respective university (user domain).
User domains are entered in the course by the course planning of the study area (LV-Planung, see Stud.IP legal information) or by the lecturers themselves. If students are not able to register for a course intended for them, they should inform the lecturers about this. Workflow for lecturers / course planners: Course => Administration => Access permissions: Allowed user domains. Please select the required user domain here.
Find courses and register
Find courses
If you would like to enrol in a course, you can find it via the search (magnifying glass symbol) or Add course. In the following window, enter a title keyword, the name of the lecturer or the event code number (VAK) in the search field or go to search in the course catalogue and select the corresponding department/programme there. Please make sure that you select the correct semester! In the hit list, select the corresponding entry and click on the title. On the registration page of the event, you will be informed of any registration procedures (registration period, quotas, specific degree programmes).
You register for the event via the left side navigation Access to event. The default setting after registration is the provisional entry, i.e. you are on a waiting list and still have to be accepted by the lecturer, i.e. admitted to the event. For other registration procedures, the respective registration rules apply.
Important note on "provisionally accepted
If you are only "provisionally accepted" for a course, the course does not yet appear in the timetable. However, you can make it visible in the timetable via the button Mark only in timetable even before the teachers have confirmed it, e.g. to check for overlaps.
Registration for contingent courses
If you want to register for a course that has been allocated, you may be informed when registering that you are not assigned to the desired degree programme. Stud.IP does not have this information automatically! You have to enter and update the required degree programme including the number of semesters yourself in your Stud.IP profile as follows:
Profile > Personal details > left-hand side navigation: Study details. From the list under I study the following subjects and degrees, select exactly the degree programme you want on the registration page of the course. When you are admitted to a course, you will receive a message in Stud.IP which (if not deactivated in the configuration) will also be forwarded as a copy to your university account.
Please ignore the message "No version available in the selected subject-degree combination" that may be displayed; the Bremen Stud.IP does not have this information.
Timetable versus calendar
The timetable is automatically generated from courses with regular dates, i.e. individual and block dates are not displayed and must be entered yourself. Some departments also enter regular course dates as individual dates, which then do not appear in the timetable.
All appointments are displayed in the calendar, i.e. all course appointments (including individual appointments), office hours via the appointment system and self-entered appointments.
Why do I have the status "tutor"?
In the Bremen Stud.IP, all non-teaching staff are 'tutors' for internal system reasons:
Stud.IP has the global status "tutor" for users (= users who can have the maximum role of tutor in courses).
as a maximum role in courses), "lecturer" as the next status level and then "administrator" (e.g. the course planners in the departments).
In Stud.IP at other universities, non-teaching staff have the status of "author", but this does not allow them to be changed to the role of tutor for a course.
You have registered with a lecturer on the profile page or via the appointment allocation of a course for a consultation hour appointment, an exam review or similar and no longer know when that was? Go to your own profile and follow the path Profile > Tab Appointments > Option Where am I booked. Here you will find all old and current bookings.
Tip: Under Options you can set to be reminded 24 hours before an upcoming appointment by Stud.IP message (and also by email if forwarded).
The appointments are also displayed in your diary (but not in the timetable).
What is a study group?
With the help of study groups, learning and working groups with a selection of functions (content elements) can be set up within Stud.IP. A study group functions similarly to a course, but it is semester-independent and the range of functions is limited compared to courses. Admission to a study group can be "Open to All", "On Request" or via an invitation from the moderators of the study group.
Create study group
Study groups are set up in DeepL Access > My Events > Create Study Group.
Search study group
You can find your own study groups under My Events, others can be found via the search: Search > left side navigation > Views: Study groups.
Globally invisible
After logging in to Stud.IP, select > Settings in your profile. In the left-hand side navigation, select the Privacy section and you can set the status invisible there. You will then not be visible in Stud.IP - as long as you behave passively. Visible, active behaviour must always be marked with the name and time of the action because, for a variety of reasons, no anonymous expressions of opinion, contributions etc. can be permitted. With the global status invisible, your Stud.IP profile page cannot be called up either, i.e. you cannot be found via the Stud.IP person search.
Invisible in courses
In addition to the global status invisible, you can also specifically decide in your courses whether you want to appear there in the list of participants. To do this, activate the corresponding function as follows: Course > Participants tab > left side navigation Actions: "Click here to become invisible". This only affects the view of your fellow students, for the lecturers and tutors you are still visible by name.
Note for teachers
With the status of lecturer, you cannot activate the global status "invisible" in Stud.IP.
The Stud.IP internal message system and the university e-mails are two different things, i.e. there is an internal message system in Stud.IP and there are the university e-mails (accessible via webmail.uni-bremen.de).
The Stud.IP internal messages are only forwarded as a copy (if you have not deactivated it in your profile settings) to the university e-mail account. If someone replies to this copy, the reply will end up in the university e-mail box and not in Stud.IP.
Note: The university e-mails are NOT forwarded to the Stud.IP internal mailbox!
Please check both mailboxes regularly.
What is a learning room?
In various buildings of the university (GW1, GW2, MZH, WiWi 2 and the SuUB) there are multimedia-equipped learning islands in some rooms, which can be booked via Stud.IP and in which you can prepare group and project work together with your learning group.
What do I find in a learning space?
Learning islands are installed in each of these rooms, each equipped with a group work table, a large-format flat screen, partly with a computer and a whiteboard as well as different connection cables for laptops and other mobile devices brought along.
Booking is done via the learning room icon in the Stud.IP toolbar. There you can also search for free learning rooms or rate event rooms.
Further questions
Would you like to know how often you can book a learning island, when a learning room is open and which rooms can be used as learning rooms? You can find this and other information at learning rooms.
E-mail support: You can get quick help with questions and problems concerning Stud.IP at our central support address: infoprotect me ?!elearning.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Online help: In Stud.IP you can find help pages by using the question mark in the top right-hand window area. If you get no further with the help (it is currently being updated), please write directly to our e-mail support.
Help videos: In the ZMML video portal you will find some tutorial videos in the category Tutorials: Stud.IP Tutorials. Students will also find a "How does Stud.IP work?" Video (subtitled in German and English) and a few more in the Stud.IP for Students category.
Stud.IP for lecturers
You can log in with the user name and password of the University of Bremen account, which is managed by the account administration of the Zentrum für Netze (ZfN). (See also the following FAQ on "How do I get the university account?")
Please note:
The username corresponds to the front part of the e-mail address (e.g.for muster@uni-bremen.de it?s muster).
Aliases, that you have set up in the ZfN account administration cannot be used for logging in.
You have been using a functional account, these do not work in Stud.IP.
For questions about account and password please contact the IT-Servicedesk (see also FAQ "The log-in does not work")
For teachers and lecturers who do not yet have a university account at the ZfN, but who wish to administer a Stud.IP course, an initial registration is made by the Course planners of the respective departments directly when creating the course in Stud.IP. The Uni Account (activation account) automatically created by this can then be activated via a Online-Account request.
You can manage the change of password, set up a forwarding and all other important settings for your university account in the ZfN-Onlinetools.
Staff, cooperation students, early students, visiting students, guest and secondary students
All new staff members, cooperative students, early students, visiting students, guest students and part-time students can use the request for set up of a user account online.
Uni guest account
Employees of the university can use the self-service with the Guest access system Create and manage university guest accounts for a manageable number of guests. The host must first register with the ZfN. Apply for access to the guest access system.
My log-in data does not work
There can be several reasons for this:
- The spelling of the password was wrong: When entering the password, it is essential to pay attention to upper/lower case. Make sure that the caps lock is not activated and that you are using the correct keyboard layout on your terminal.
- Instead of the user name, the complete e-mail address was entered: For the login, only the front part of the e-mail address must be entered (i.e. everything before the @ sign).
- The university account has just been applied for. New Uni Bremen user accounts must first "arrive" in Stud.IP. Logging in works at the latest one day after registration.
- An alias was used instead of the user name. Alias names created in the ZfN account administration cannot be used for login.
- A function account was used. For legal reasons, only personal university accounts can be used in Stud.IP.
Test whether you can log in with your data under webmail.uni-bremen.de . If this does not work and you are sure that you have used the correct data, please follow the instructions from the ZfN on the Uniaccount and on resetting the password.
If you receive an error message with the entry "duplicate entry", please contact the Stud.IP-Support
I have forgotten my password
If you have forgotten your password, please contact the account administration of the ZfN. There you will receive a new password upon presentation of a photo ID. If you have deposited a security query, you can also use the reset password online. All other data, such as your user name, will of course be retained.
Error messages
The Stud.IP error message for the failed log-in attempt contains important information on the cause and suggested solutions. If these do not help and you contact the support by e-mail, please attach a copy of the error message.
As a lecturer of a course at the University of Bremen you need the Uni-Bremen account. Please contact the course planning department of the relevant field of study.
If you are "only" a participant or tutor of a course, you can also register via the Shibboleth access of the universities listed below.
University of Oldenburg: You can use your e-mail account at the University of Oldenburg to log into Bremen Stud.IP via the Shibboleth login and register for all courses.
Hochschule Bremen and Constructor University: You can log into Bremen Stud.IP with your university e-mail account using the Shibboleth Login, but you can only register for courses that have been approved for your university. This approval is given by the course planner or the lecturer of the course.
You can find the overview of your courses in the DeepL access as My courses or via the toolbar. In the left-hand side navigation under Semester filter, courses from one or more semesters can be displayed.
Red symbols - new contents
If one of the icons of the content elements is red for an course, this means that there is new content such as files or new participants (provisionally accepted). Click either on the title of the event or on one of the icons to go directly to the desired area.
Change course data
The basic data of the course including room details and times are entered by the course planners of the departments/programmes. If you wish to make changes, please contact the relevant course planner (list in the Stud.IP imprint).
Timetable versus calendar
The timetable is automatically generated from courses with regular dates, i.e. individual and block dates are not displayed and must be entered yourself. Some departments also enter regular course dates as individual dates, which then do not appear in the timetable.
All appointments are displayed in the calendar, i.e. all course appointments (including individual appointments), office hours via the appointment system and self-entered appointments.
Personal details such as academic degree
To add your title / academic degree, select > Personal details in your profile. In the basic data you now have the option to enter your academic degree.
Setup data
To complete your institution data (room, telephone, etc.), go to Personal details > left side navigation: Institution data in your profile and click on the department or degree programme to be able to complete the data.
Department affiliation
If your department affiliation (Where I work) is not correct or not available, please contact Stud.IP support infoelearning.uni-bremen.de or to your responsible course planner (list in the Stud.IP imprint).
Show consultation appointments in profile
In the institution data (Profile > Personal details > left side navigation: Institution data) you can see the institutions (departments) to which you are assigned.
Click on the department or degree programme and enter the desired times in the field Talking time.
Note on department affiliation
If your department affiliation (Where I work) is not correct or not available, please contact Stud.IP support infoelearning.uni-bremen.de or to your responsible course planner (list in the Stud.IP imprint).
Appointment allocation
For the allocation and organisation of appointments (consultation hours, exam inspections, etc.) you can use the plugin Appointment Allocation (Profile > More tab...). The appointments can also be limited to individual events so that only the participants of the respective events can register.
You can view the entries at any time and, if necessary, contact the persons entered in advance. In addition, you can set the specification of a topic or meeting reason as a condition for registration when creating the events.
(You can find detailed instructions in the Stud.IP help).
Here, in various categories (e.g. communication and collaboration, content and tasks), further content elements and extensions are hidden, which can be activated and deactivated there.
Category "Content and tasks"
In the category Content and Assignments you will find, among other things, the plug-in DoIT, with which you can create timed assignments with feedback and peer review. ILIAS allows the creation of learning modules and online tests. The Video Manager plugin allows short videos to be made available to students. The EduWork Builder allows the design of extensive and interactive learning units.
Category "Communication and Cooperation"
For communication and collaboration, StudIPads (Etherpad) can be activated, for example, in which texts can be written jointly and simultaneously.
Have you become curious? If you have any questions about the possible uses of Stud.IP, please feel free to arrange a consultation appointment with Stud.IP Support at infoelearning.uni-bremen.de.
What is a study group?
With the help of study groups, learning and working groups with a selection of functions (content elements) can be set up within Stud.IP. A study group functions similarly to a course, but it is semester-independent and the range of functions is limited compared to courses. Admission to a study group can be "Open to All", "On Request" or via an invitation from the moderators of the study group.
Create study group
Study groups are set up in DeepL Access > My Events > Create Study Group.
Search study group
You can find your own study groups under My Events, others can be found via the search: Search > left side navigation > Views: Study groups.
The Stud.IP internal message system and the university e-mails are two different things, i.e. there is an internal message system in Stud.IP and there are the university e-mails (accessible via webmail.uni-bremen.de).
The Stud.IP internal messages are only forwarded as a copy (if you have not deactivated it in your profile settings) to the university e-mail account. If someone replies to this copy, the reply will end up in the university e-mail box and not in Stud.IP.
Note: The university e-mails are NOT forwarded to the Stud.IP internal mailbox!
Please check both mailboxes regularly.
E-mail support: You can get quick help with questions and problems concerning Stud.IP at our central support address: info@elearning.uni-bremen.de
Online help: In Stud.IP you can find help pages by using the question mark in the top right-hand window area. If you get no further with the help (it is currently being updated), please write directly to our e-mail support.
Help videos: In the ZMML video portal you will find some tutorial videos in the category Tutorials: Stud.IP Tutorials. Students will also find a "How does Stud.IP work?" Video (subtitled in German and English) and a few more in the Stud.IP for Students category.
Training courses for teachers: The ZMML organises individual training courses for interested persons on request (please send your request to info@elearning.uni-bremen.de). The focus and dates are coordinated individually with the participants. Current workshops on general e-learning topics are published in the Stud.IP announcements and in the ZMML news.
Information events: Information events for departments, degree programmes, institutes, degree programme committees and working groups etc. can be requested from the Stud.IP team (info@elearning.uni-bremen.de).