Dr. Fatma Karaka?
Associate Prof., Philipp-Schwartz-Fellow, Gastwissenschaftlerin am Bremer Institut für Gender-, Arbeits- und Sozialrecht (bigas)
University of Bremen
Faculty of Law
Forum am Domshof
Domshof 26
D-28195 Bremen
Telephone: +49 (0)421 218-66113
Curriculum Vitae
Summer semester 2019
Seminar: Gewalt gegen Frauen - strafrechtliche, menschenrechtliche und v?lkerrechtliche Perspektive
?berblick über das türkische Recht (auf Türkisch)
Universit?t Bremen
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
Universit?tsallee, GW1
Raum: B2140
28359 Bremen
Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-66113
E-Mail: karakasdprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Lebenslauf zum Download
Strafrecht, Kriminologie und Strafvollzugsrecht
Turkey and the Istanbul Convention: An Evaluation of How Human Rights and Criminal Law Interact
Jahrgang 59 (2021) / Heft 3, S. 300-327 (28)
Publiziert 09.11.2021
When the Istanbul Convention was opened for signature in 2011, Turkey was its first signatory. Ten years later, in a controversial move, Turkey withdrew from the Convention. This paper aims to analyse and contextualise this development by reference to debates on violence against women within Turkey, with a particular focus on the role of criminal law and the way it interacts with various cultural narratives on gender and national identity. It sets the international legal frame of reference by introducing various human rights documents on women's rights and violence against women, with a focus on the Istanbul Convention and its monitoring mechanism, the Group of Experts on Action against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO). It then provides some information on the domestic law and legal culture of Turkey and analyses specific areas of criminal law in relation to the prevention of violence against women, building on GREVIO's first report on Turkey. Against this backdrop, it becomes possible to evaluate Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, juxtaposing national justifications and international reactions in light of broader democratic shortcomings and cultural narratives on violence against women in Turkey.
Im Sommersemester 2023:
Strafrecht II: Europ?ische und internationale Bezüge des Strafrechts (in englischer Sprache)
w?chentlich Mi 10:00 - 12:00 GW1 A0150 (2 SWS)