International affairs of the faculty

  • A student in the work place.

    Unsere Inhalte

    individuell, aktuell und praxisnah

  • Students sit at a table in front of Café Central.

    Unser Miteinander

    offen, wertsch?tzend und zugewandt

  • Ingrid Krause / BTZ Bremer Touristik-Zentrale

    Unsere Stadt

    hanseatisch, historisch und lebenswert

  • A person writes in different languages on a whiteboard.

    Unsere Inhalte

    individuell, aktuell und praxisnah

  • Students talking on the university boulevard.

    Unser Miteinander

    offen, wertsch?tzend und zugewandt

  • Ingrid Krause / BTZ Bremer Touristik-Zentrale

    Unsere Stadt

    hanseatisch, historisch und lebenswert

Our international exchange program in numbers

                   approx. 60 

     Incomings per semester

                    approx. 80

       Outgoings per semester


     Partner universities Europe


Partner universities worldwide

                   approx. 5-7

         Guest lecturers per year

                 approx. 20-25

  English taught lectures/term


“As a Ph.D student, I spent a great time in Bremen. Academically I gained new scientific approaches and a higher level of research ideas from excellent professors. International and diverse campus life enriched my horizon of new cultures. I strongly believe that the study experience in University of Bremen is indispensable to my success. Bremen, such a historical and amazing Hanseatic City, is called "Key to the Door of the World", which is always full of modern and cosmopolitan appeal with a young top university in the world” 

Ph.D. student, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia.



"Lebensfrohe Menschen, eine beeindruckende Tierwelt sowie atemberaubende Landschaften - All das und noch viel 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 durften wir in unserem Auslandssemester in Bloemfontein erleben."

Klara Engert und Jana Ellmers, Austauschstudierende, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa


?Mein Auslandssemester in Bozen war fachlich unheimlich interessant. Mindestens genauso wichtig war für mich aber die pers?nliche Entwicklung in dieser Zeit. Ich wei? nun, dass ich auch an einer fremden Uni gut zurecht komme, habe eine neue Kultur kennengelernt und Freundschaften fürs Leben geschlossen.“ 

Laura Grebe, Austauschstudentin, Free University of Bozen, Bozen, Italy.



“The first thing I noticed when I came to Bremen was that people are helpful and polite. I experienced that in University even more. I appreciate that the lecturers really enjoy teaching. They are always ready to help and to discuss all study-related issues.”

Maksim Ten, Exchange Student, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia.

For further information please contact:

Office for International Affairs, Contact: Ms Sandra Dinkeldein and Ms Siegrid Cinar

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66515 / 66513 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66515 / 66513 | E-Mail: fb07internationalprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de | WiWi 1 building,
Room: A 3140

Accreditations and Rankings


      10 Platzierungen
   in Spitzengruppe für

     Times Higher Education
   Young University Ranking:

   Rank 6 deutschlandweit 
         Rank 41 weltweit

QS World University Ranking
         Top 50 under 50:

   Rank 1 deutschlandweit
       Rank 24 europaweit


Official Member since 2018