Faculty Career Portal

Are you looking for internships, jobs or career events to connect with potential employers?
The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics regularly receives job and internship offers from various companies and institutions, which are now published in our own career portal for students and alumni.
This platform combines all the tools to help students and alumni shape their own professional careers, including the ability to find internship or job offers.
But not only that - in our career portal:
- you will find internship or job offers that match your search criteria:
- Exclusive offers from partner companies of the faculty
- Other offers from over 400 JobTeaser partner companies
- discover all the events of our university and various companies:
- Events for students and alumni organised by our university and the faculty
- Events organised by companies
- Recruitment events, challenges, conferences, ...
Get access to information and videos that will help you achieve your professional goals!
Furthermore, community functions are planned in the future to enable an active alumni network. We hope that we will be able to stay connected with our alumni through this portal.
The following video shows what is possible with this portal: LINK
To take full advantage of the possibilities of our new career portal, don't forget to customize the search criteria of your personal dashboard. This works with just one click on "Adjust my criteria" on your first visit.
Click here to access our career portal >>> Creating a profile only with university account
Attention: After creating a profile, the e-mail address should be changed to the one that is permanent, even after graduation. This is the only way we can stay connected to each other in this portal after your studies. In order to verify and ensure that only students of the University of Bremen are members of the portal, a university account is only necessary for the first time.
For alumni who no longer have a university account, please ask us to access the career portal even withour the university account. Send an e-mail to: prakwiwi@uni-bremen.de
Would you like an appointment with the Office for Practice and Transfer?
Then feel free to write an email.
Follow us in social media or in professional business network tools:
FB 07 practice activities: Instagram (Praxis)
Personal networking with Maren Hartstock: LinkedIn / XING
Questions answered about the topic areas Practice or Transfer:
The Office for Practice and Transfer, contact person: Maren Hartstock.
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | E-mail: mhartst@uni-bremen.de |
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1 | 28359 Bremen | Building WIWI 1 - Room: A 3420