Practice-oriented Seminars and Events

? FB 07 / Universit?t Bremen

The Office for Practice and Transfer organizes various events, seminars and workshops with direct practical relevance throughout the academic year in collaboration with various stakeholders from practice and academia.

  • Some events have a fixed time slot each year, others are offered once on specific dates.
  • There are formats that are directly linked to the awarding of credit points (General Studies for Bachelor's students or elective modules for Master's students) and
  • others, rather individual events and workshops, which are integrated into the practical module "Career Development and Employability", for Bachelor's (GS) and Master's (elective module), through which CDE microcredits can also be collected across semesters and the CP for the module are acquired after a certain number of microcredits have been achieved (examination: reflection and evaluation report on the events attended).

Practically relevant teaching formats with credit points awarded

The Career Camp is THE networking format of the University of Bremen, an intensive career week, for the promotion of career entry, career orientation and the development of career-relevant soft skills. Organized by the Department of Business and Economics, this year's event will once again bring together prospective graduates from a wide range of disciplines with companies and other potential employers in the region, as well as throughout Germany.

There will be insights into various industries and lectures presenting the latest trends in the world of work and information on career development. There will also be exclusive workshops for individual advancement in the areas of career orientation, profile sharpening, job applications and new work. Also integrated is a career networking evening, where students and companies can exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, excursions to selected companies are offered.

Module Description

Event website for info on past Career Camps and, as of January/February, the current year's program

The PRAXIS Summer Camp is an offer in the elective area of General Studies (Industry Specific Career Orientation I: 6 CP) as well as an elective module of the master programme in Business Studies. Usually it takes place directly after the examination period in the summer semester.

It is an intensive 3-week event, in which up to 15 companies bring in specific project tasks, which are handled by student teams (max 5 students). As a rule, most of the work is done directly in the company. While the opening and closing events are fixed dates in plenum, the project duration in between is individually coordinated in the teams, together with the companies. At the final event, the project results of all teams will be presented. Not only undergraduate students of business administration are welcome, but also students of our cooperative study programs and of computer science as well as corresponding master's programs. Even if a recognition in the study course can not take place, then all participants receive a participation certificate at the end. If this event is successfully completed, this module can be listed as an additional service in the final certificate.

Due to a limit of 50 participating students early registration is recommended. Representatives of various industries are represented. So far representatives from Abat, Encoway, EWE Vertrieb, Hmmh, KAEFER, STUTE and We4IT

Module Description

Event web page

Students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of planning, designing, implementing and evaluating events using the example of an event to be carried out in real life.

Note: It is possible that this event will take place beyond the regular event time. Therefore, the regular learning and examination period will be taken into account. However, regular attendance up to the start and during the execution of the event is expected.


Would you like an appointment with the Office for Practice and Transfer?

Then feel free to write an email.


Follow us in social media or in professional business network tools:

FB 07 practice activities: Instagram (Praxis)

Personal networking with Maren Hartstock: LinkedIn / XING 


Questions answered about the topic areas Practice or Transfer:

The Office for Practice and Transfer, contact person: Maren Hartstock.

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | E-mail: |

Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1 | 28359 Bremen | Building WIWI 1 - Room: A 3420