Offers for Companies
The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics continuously cultivates and expands its network with regional, nationwide and globally operating employers. In doing so, we hope to cover the widest possible spectrum and cooperate with companies and organizations from business, culture, the media and the public sector, ie. of different branches and sizes.
We offer our partners many opportunities to get in contact with students, researchers and teachers. Cooperation is an important building block for us to build a bridge between theory and practice. It is also possible to introduce our cooperation partners as potential employers to our students or to give them a first-hand knowledge of the sector.
In addition to students of business studies and economics, we also always include students from our cooperation programs (business computer science, engineering, psychology) and computer science. We see this group of students as an important target group for potential employers, ie. also against the background of increasing digitization.
If you are interested in becoming part of our practice network, please contact our Office for Practice and International Affairs (praxintprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de, contact person: Ms Maren Hartstock). They can also give you more details about the different options. At the end of the year, the dates for the following year are already fixed. We will gladly include you in our mailing list to inform you of all options, at the latest at the beginning of each year.
In principle, we are very interested in establishing and cultivating long-term cooperative relationships – from which you benefit as a potential employer.

Are you looking for qualified specialists with a background in economics? Then become part of our career portal. Here you can post your offers free of charge.
There are two options:
1. You would like to post job offers exclusively? Use the recruiting link.
2. Do you want to post events and create a profile in addition to job offers (by default, these have a small area, with a large area companies can also publish articles/information)? Use the company profile link.
Do you have further questions? How to contact us with subject "FB07 Career Portal"
Offers from recruiters or offers to fill vacancies on behalf of third parties are excluded from publication. We reserve the right to delete offers without giving reasons. There is no claim to publication.
The "Practice Summer Camp" is an intensive 3-week format in which 10 companies contribute concrete project tasks that are worked on by small student teams (max. 5 students).
As a rule, the majority of the time is spent working directly in the company. While the opening and closing events are fixed dates in the plenum, the project duration in between is coordinated individually in the teams, together with the companies. At the final event, the project results of all teams are presented.
The "Practice Summer Camp" is held every year in August. In April of the year, projects from companies should be registered in order to be able to carry out the student recruiting afterwards. After that time we strive to put together project teams that fit your project as closely as possible. We primarily recruit from the following BA/MA courses of study (if required, also from others):
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Industrial engineering (Electrical Engineering and Production Engineering)
- Business Psychology
- Business Information Technology
- Complex decision making
- Computer Science / Digital Media
For more information, e.g. for previous projects, please have a look to our Event-Website.
Are interested to contribute or have you got further questions? Please send a message with subject "Practice Summer Camp".
In cooperation with potential employers, we organize a wide variety of practice-related events for our students each semester. These include individual workshops (half or full day) followed by a get-together (including case study trainings), company excursions and other events for networking with our students.
We offer various courses where practice representatives can participate in terms of content, through an expert presentation:
1) Lecture series "Career Development, Employability and Future Skills" - Here we look forward to contributions from the practice on career-oriented content with insights into the modern professional world of various industries, on topics related to career entry (application, interview training, AC training, potential analysis) as well as on (mega) trends that will significantly influence our working life in the next 10 years, such as in the field of New Work, gladly with topics related to the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDG). With this teaching format, we would like to prepare students for the future and open their eyes to future fields.During the teaching shows in summer and winter: always on Wednesdays from 4-6 pm (preferably online, on request also in presence at the university or even in companies/institutions on site).
2) As part of our new collective module "Career Development and Employability" you can also bring in your own workshops, lectures or networking events via our career portal 7Careers and recruit our students yourself. Use the company profile link to create these events as well. Our students will receive micro-points for attending these (based on the number of hours attended), which they will contribute to the module at the end and receive credits towards their degree. In terms of content, it should fit with those described in 1). It must be guaranteed that their participation can be confirmed by the organizers.
Do you have further questions or would you like to express your interest? Please contact us with the subject line "Offer for FB07".
Would you like to pass on your career experience to young and interested people and make it easier for them to start their careers? Do you have at least 5 years of professional experience with management experience? Then become a mentor.
Since 2018, we have also been offering our female Master students a targeted women's mentoring program. Here, in addition to the offer of targeted career workshops, you will also receive personal mentoring by a female manager who is not only from the alumni community.
Do you have further questions or are you interested? Please contact us with subject "FB07 Mentoring".
Would you like an appointment with the Office for Practice and Transfer?
Then feel free to write an email.
Follow us in social media or in professional business network tools:
FB 07 practice activities: Instagram (Praxis)
Personal networking with Maren Hartstock: LinkedIn / XING
Questions answered by:
Office for Practice and Transfer, contact person: Maren Hartstock.
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | E-mail: |
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1 | 28359 Bremen | Building WIWI 1 - Room: A 3420