Program Structure

Course of Study

The content and profile areas of the Business Studies degree program at the University of Bremen are geared towards the demands of students and of employers. It is characterized by a strong focus on methods, which is indispensable in modern business studies. With the Bachelor's degree from the University of Bremen, students of the International Advanced Student Program (IASP) are certified to have the same competencies as students of the Faculty's full study program in Business Studies with the exception of language skills. The flyer on the study program provides an initial overview.


Structure of the Program

The International Advanced Student Program (IASP) is a cooperative international study program of the University of Bremen with selected partner universities, which follows a two-part structure:

(1) Studies at the partner university:
Students study the first part of their degree program at a partner university where they earn at least 120 CP. At the University of Bremen, the credit points earned are recognized in accordance with the Bremen course of study in the Business Studies degree program. The recognizable credits are regulated in recognition tables agreed with the partner universities in cooperation agreements.

(2) Studies at the University of Bremen:
Students study their final year at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen. The course in Bremen comprises 60 CP including the Bachelor's thesis.

The IASP is taught exclusively in English; apart from this, the degree corresponds to the regular degree in the full degree program in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Business Studies) (B.Sc.). IASP students complete their studies with the degree “Business Studies (B.Sc.)”.

Please find the ideal study plan here:


The IASP course of studies is composed of seven areas:

1. Business Studies: 30 CP are earned at the partner university
2. Economics: 12 CP are earned at the partner university
3. Data Literacy: 24 CP are earned at the partner university
4. Electives of Economic Sciences: 33 CP are earned at the partner university
5. General Studies: 21 CP are earned at the partner university

6. Area of Specialization: 48 CP from the majors of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Studies at the University of Bremen
7. Final Module: 12 CP Bachelor's thesis at the University of Bremen


In the first two thirds of the program, students learn the basics of business studies and economics. In the last third, students choose specialized courses. Learning about relevant methods in the field of data literacy supplements the subject-specific training. The General Studies courses focus on the acquisition of general skills that serve as career orientation and professional qualification. The program concludes with a Bachelor's thesis.


In the specialization area, students choose six courses from the current English-language curriculum in the majors of “Finance, Accounting and Taxation”, “Marketing” and “General Management and Logistics”. These courses mainly focus on teaching specialist knowledge and methods as well as their application. Students also take a project module in which they apply what they have learned to an individual problem.


The University of Bremen uses the learning and course management system Stud.IP (Study Accompanying Internet Support of Classroom Teaching). The registration requires the username and password of the account given by the Center for Networks (ZfN) for e-mail and other network services. Students receive an activation code and an activation password with their enrollment documents. At the beginning of the semester you should register for your courses via Stud.IP. Here there are course materials and announcements from teachers. Students can also manage their timetable, use discussion forums, access the bulletin board, and much more.


The IASP does not offer the opportunity to integrate an internship into the course of study. Students who would like to complete an internship alongside their studies can find information on this on the pages of the Faculty's own Office for Practice and Transfer.

Students are supported in their search for internships by the Career Center of the University of Bremen and the Office for Practice and Transfer of the Faculty. Further information on internships can be found in the Practice and Transfer section.

Semester Abroad

The International Advanced Student Program does not include a semester abroad.