Outgoing: Bremen Students Abroad

General Information

We offer our students the opportunity to study abroad for one or two semesters, both during the Bachelor's and Master's programs. A study abroad offers the opportunity to develop not only technical and foreign language knowledge, but also to develop personally. The acquired soft skills, such as intercultural competencies, tolerance, independence and self-confidence, are as important for later working life as purely technical competencies. One or two semesters abroad can be optimally integrated in the following semesters:

  • Bachelor (4th - 6th semester)
  • Master (3rd - 4th semester)

The application deadline for stays abroad at one of our partner universities is December 31th (exception for 2020; usually 15th of December) for the following winter semester and the summer semester of the following year.

Please note that the deadline is 31 December 2020. The deadlines published by the central International Office (15 February) are not relevant for applications for places at FB07 partner universities. The central deadlines are only relevant if you have already been selected for a place at one of our partner universities. Also, applications to e.g. Dickinson College have different application deadlines, and there may also be different deadlines if you wish to apply through other departments. Please check all deadlines on the respective websites beforehand!

Timely application for this deadline increases the likelihood of obtaining a place on request as well as financial support through the ERASMUS + program.

Unless a whole semester is to be spent abroad, a shorter stay in the context of a summer or winter school is also possible. But it will also be the International time in the period from June to August at the University of Bremen. The Department of Economics invites international students to Summer School Bremen, where Bremen's undergraduate students can also take part, by taking advantage of the courses offered in June / July as blocks for their specialization or the elective area of General Studies.

Your way abroad

Two students talking on the university boulevard.

Partner Program Semester abroad

The department has an attractive network with contacts to foreign universities, which is constantly being evaluated and expanded. A stay abroad via the Partner Program of the department is the easiest and most non bureaucratic for our students.

Students on sun loungers in the campus park.

Summer and Winter School

Summer or winter school programs give students the opportunity to gain experience abroad without having to leave for the entire semester. There are various programs available at various universities.

A young person next to a row of parked bicycles.

Free Mover

Students have the opportunity to apply for host study at any university worldwide. In this case, however, tuition and other costs should be expected.
