Bachelor's Degree Programs
Please note: New examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programs in Business Studies and Economics came into force in the summer semester 2024.The contents presented here refer to the new examination regulations. Students who complete their studies according to the old examination regulations (BWL: 2016/2021, WiWi: 2016) find the relevant information on their programs in the section Info Material and on the learning platform Stud.IP in the course 7Services.
The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics offers two full Bachelor's degree programs in Business Studies (BWL) and Economics (WiWi). Economics can also be studied as a minor subject. The design principle of both programs is: from teaching general basics to dealing with increasingly specialized business and economics content. The faculty' programs have in common that
- in the first half of the course, the focus is on teaching the basics of business studies and economics and in the second half of the course, students specialize in a specific subject.
- students have the opportunity to integrate up to two semesters abroad into their studies.
- an internship can be completed during the course and recognized as academic credit.
- the aim of the Bachelor's degree courses is to achieve a first professional qualification that enables direct entry into professional life as well as qualifying students for an advanced Master's program.
In addition to the two Bachelor's programs in Business Studies and Economics, three interdisciplinary Bachelor's programs are offered: Information Systems and Management, Management and Production Engineering as well as Management and Electrical Engineering. An overview of the central content of the faculty's degree programs can also be found in the Study Database.
Quick links
Course Catalog
Examination Portal
Examination Schedule summer term 2025 (tba.)
Module Guide Business Studies
Module Guide Economics (major subject)
Module Guide Economics (minor subject)

Bachelor of Business Studies with Top Result in CHE Ranking 2023
The Bachelor's program in Business Studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics has achieved outstanding results in all assessment categories in the CHE Ranking 2023: study conditions, the organization and content of the business studies program are among the top in Germany. The Faculty is also ahead in terms of support at the start of studies, supplemented by accompanying advisory services. These are the very best conditions for successful studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics.
Business Studies
The Bachelor's degree in Business Studies (BWL) has a standard period of study of six semesters and concludes with the degree "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.). The course aims to impart basic business and economic knowledge and its application using scientific methods. The focus of basic business studies is on the analysis, planning and management of all economic processes in business institutions.
Economics (single major subject)
The Bachelor's degree course in Economics (single major subject) has a standard period of study of six semesters and concludes with the degree "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.).The course aims to impart basic knowledge of economics and business studies and its application using scientific methods. The focus of the basic economics course is on understanding economic phenomena, developing realistic forecasts and deriving effective decisions.
Economics (minor subject)
Economics can be studied as a minor subject in a two-subject course together with a profile subject. The minor subject accounts for one third of the entire degree course. The two-subject Bachelor's degree program has a standard period of study of six semesters and, depending on the profile subject, concludes with either a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree.
Cooperation Studies
The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics offers various degree courses in cooperation with other faculties. These include the bachelor's degree programs: Information Systems and Management, Management and Production Engineering as well as Management and Electrical Engineering.
moreQuestions on study programs answered by:
Study Center Business Studies and Economics
Phone: +49 421 218 66533 | E-Mail: stzwiwiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de | Room: WiWi1 A3050