Business Studies M.Sc.
Examination Schedule summer term 2025 (tba.)
Modulhandbuch BWL

Academic Program Curriculum
The Master Program Business Studies (BWL) has a standard duration of four semesters and concludes with the degree "Master of Science" (M.Sc.). The content of the Master's courses is oriented towards the challenges of international business activities as well as the economic and social consequences of internationalization and globalization.
The application for the Master's degree in Business Studies has to be done online. Information on admission requirements and application modalities can be found here.

The written examinations of the current semester take place in the 2nd - 3rd week after the end of the lecture period. Students of Business Studies and Economics apply for their exams via the Central Examination Office.
moreQuestions on study programs answered by:
Study Center Business Studies and Economics
Phone: +49 421 218 66533 | E-Mail: stzwiwiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de | Room: WiWi1 A3050