Advice and placement tests - Swedish

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Paola Kucera

Placement tests

If you already have some knowledge of the language and are interested in taking a course above A1, we recommend you get in touch to discuss which course is best for you.

If you would like a rough idea of what your level is now, you can do one of these online tests:

  • Folkuniversitetet (assessment test for levels A, B and C – pdf file to download)
  • Placement test for the course book "Javisst" (in German, published by Hueber Verlag). Tests language competence at A1 and A2 levels.
  • Placement test for the course book "V?lkomna" (in German, published by Klett Verlag). Tests language competence at A1 and A2 levels.
    Updated by: SZHB