Advice and placement tests - English

English advice desk

  • course selection
  • learning consultation
  • obtaining a DAAD language certificate for a semester abroad
  • how to prepare for an English language certificate you require to enrol for a degree programme
  • information about UNIcert?

Contact us by e-mail


Call us for advice

Monday             13:00 - 14:00 Uhr (Kate Stollmann)

Wednesday      11:00 - 12:00 Uhr (Kate Stollmann)

Tel. +49 421 218 61978

** there will be no advisory by phone on September 25th **

On-site consultation University of Bremen GW2 A 3070

Please make an appointment.


Online consultation on Zoom

Please make an appointment.


Placement tests

A student in the work place.

Please take the placement test (C-Test) and select courses
according to your placement test result.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to advise you.

Updated by: SZHB