Courses for language certificates

What is UNIcert?

UNIcert is a language certificate which serves as proof of your academic and subject-specific competence in a language.

More information about UNIcert?.

General information

Course fees

A fee is usually charged to participate in these courses.

>> more information

Courses are open to

  • students
  • prospective students
  • staff
  • external participants
    (unaffiliated with the UB, HSB, HfK or HSBHV)

Course formats

  • regular courses (15 weeks): 2 SWS/ 30 X 45 min
  • intensive courses (semester break): 2 SWS/ 30 X 45 min
  • TOEFL preparation only 1 SWS/ 15 x 45 min

Courses to obtain the UNIcert I, II or III certificate in English

Course registration

Course Fees

Updated by: SZHB