
The SZHB offers UNIcert? - the university-specific language certificate. If you are interested in gaining this certificate, you must take the necessary UNIcert? courses.

If you successfully complete these courses, you will then have earned the UNIcert? certificate (a separate, additional exam is required only for UNIcert? III).

UNIcert? is available for different levels and various languages - click the level you are interested in to obtain further information.

Why UNIcert??


You take the courses first and then register for the certificate.

Registration for a UNIcert? certificate only via the German website.


All UNIcert?-Programs

UNIcert? BasisA2Italian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish
UNIcert? IB1English, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish
UNIcert? IIB2English
UNIcert? IIIC1English


Contact us

Team "Language certificates"

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Updated by: SZHB