Conferences, workshops and more...

Impressionen vom Symposion (Kaffeepause)
Impressionen vom 8. Bremer Symposion
Impressionen vom Symposion (Workshops)
Impressionen vom Symposion (Workshops)
Keynote Speaker, Prof. Doris We?els
Keynote Speaker Prof. Doris We?els beim 8. Bremer Symposion
Impressionen vom Symposion (Poster Presentations)
Impressionen vom Symposion (Poster Presentations)

Events at and in collaboration with the SZHB

As a language centre, we host various events relating to language teaching at universities:

Bremen Symposium on Language Teaching and Learning

The Bremen Symposium is an established conference that is usually attended by more than 350 participants from over 20 countries. It takes place every 4 years at the end of February or the beginning of March.

Other events

In cooperation with other institutions, we have hosted workshops such as the UNIcert? Workshop and the English for Academic Purposes Workshop.

Training events

We also organise regular professional development events for language teachers in university settings. These events are posted on the AKS-FOBIcert? portal.

Current conferences, workshops and more...

Sprachentag Arabisch

Nach erfolgreichen Aktionen zu den Sprachentagen Franz?sisch, Englisch und Spanisch bietet das SZHB am 15. Dezember anl?sslich des Sprachentages Arabisch erneut einen sprachlichen Mitmachnachmittag in der Zentralbibliothek an.

Zum Sprachentag Arabisch bietet das Sprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (SZHB) in Kooperation mit der Stadtbibliothek Bremen am 15. Dezember 2023 einen sprachlichen Aktionsnachmittag an.

Zeit und Ort:

  • Freitag, 15. Dezember, 15:00-16:30 Uhr
  • Zentralbibliothek Am Wall, 2. OG

Sprachexperten des SZHB geben vor Ort praktische Einblicke in die arabische Sprache. Erwachsene, Jugendliche und Kinder sind herzlich eingeladen, um gemeinsam W?rter oder einfache Redewendungen auszuprobieren und die arabische Sprache kennenzulernen.

Text auf Arabisch

Previous conferences, workshops and more...

Spanish language day / Día de la lengua espa?ola

On the occasion of Spanish Language Day, the Instituto Cervantes is hosting an afternoon of language games and practical information, including a picture presentation, on October 12th in the central branch of the city library (Am Wall).

On October 12th, the Instituto Cervantes will take you on a journey through six Spanish regions with games and hands-on activities related to the Spanish language.

[Title: The Castilian language path/ El camino de la lengua castellana]

The event is offered in cooperation with the Language Centre of the Universities in the State of Bremen (SZHB) and the Bremen City Library and takes place within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Further information can be found on the page of the city library.


The OPEN CAMPUS will take place on June 23 and 24, 2023, and the Language Centre will be there offering a variety of activities.

On June 24th, we will be offering exciting insights into the world of languages:

The Language Centre's pagoda on campus: hands-on activities and general information between 12 noon and 7 p.m.

Further information about the exhibitors and information booths

More information on the lectures and sample courses

The series "Gendern auf..." ("Gendering in...") is concerned with egalitarian language, the respectful treatment of genders, and non-sexist communication. It is about how different languages deal with this very current issue and what solutions the respective languages offer. For the continuation of the series, further lectures are planned at different locations and in different languages such as French, German, and English.

May 11th at 7 p.m. with the topic of Gendering in...Spanish at the Instituto Cervantes Bremen.
Title of the lecture: Comunicación no sexista en espa?ol
Speaker: Dr. Mercedes Quilis Merín

Let's speak English

It's English Language Day at the Bremen City Library on April 24, 2023 from 14:00 to 16:30. The Language Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB) will be there offering a selection of activities. Adults and children are most welcome to come by to play a game, discover words or take part in the language café.

Parlons fran?ais !

On the occasion of the French Language Day, the Institut Francais and the Language Center of the Universities in the State of Bremen (SZHB) are organizing an afternoon of language activities and games on March 20, 2023 from 14:00 to 17:00 at the City Library. There will be various activities about the French language and France and we invite adults and children to come play, discover and speak with us. Anyone interested is welcome, with or without previous knowledge of the language.

More Information

Er?ffnung des Symposions
Er?ffnung des Symposions
Conference theme: Rethinking the role of language centres: flexibility, relevance & vision

Place and Date: Bremen University, March 1st to 3rd, 2023 

Read more

Changing times - changing ways: How can the 'Companion Volume' of the CEFR be implemented in the context of UNIcert?

The 20th UNIcert? Workshop took place from November 8th to 9th at the University of Bremen. Eight working groups discussed different aspects of the implementation of the Companion Volume. The topics ranged from heritage languages to innovations in productive and receptive skills to mediation and technical language.

Paradigms - Methods - Disciplines

Thursday, February 28th though Saturday, March 2nd, 2019
at the University of Bremen


Friday, November 17, 2017 though Saturday, November 18, 2017
at the University of Bremen

The Common European Framework of Reference - How are we addressing its gaps?


Friday, February 24 to Saturday, February 25, 2017
at the University of Bremen

Lernsituation im SLZ

New challenges for language learning and teaching at universities

Friday, February 20 to Saturday, February 21, 2015
at the University of Bremen

Observing - Initiating - Guiding - Accompanying

Friday, March 1 to Saturday, March 2, 2013
at the University of Bremen


Bild Studierende vor Computer


Testing, Evaluiating, Certifying

Friday, March 4, 2011 to Saturday, March 5, 2011
at the University of Bremen

Analyses, Experiences, Concepts

Friday, March 6, 2009 to Saturday, March 7, 2009
at the University of Bremen


Bild Unterricht


March 9-10, 2007 University of Bremen


Updated by: SZHB