Advice and placement tests - German


Contact us

Please contact Kirsten Rei? at the  Goethe-Institut

Tel: 0421 36081-12
Email: hochschulkooperation-bremen(at)

Bibliothekstr. 7
28359 Bremen

Consulting hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 16:00 - 18:00
Fridays, 10:00 – 12:00

Placement tests

If you already have some knowledge of the language and are interested in taking a course above A1, we recommend you get in touch to discuss which course is best for you.

On registration, you will receive a link to the official placement test, so that you can then sign up for the right course.

 If you would like a rough idea of what your level is now, you can do one of these online tests (for information only, not valid to sign up for a course):

    Updated by: SZHB