Advice and placement tests - Dutch

Person to contact

Dr. Astrid Buschmann-G?bels



Placement tests

If you already have some knowledge of the language and are interested in taking a course above A1, we recommend you get in touch to discuss which course is best for you.

If you would like a rough idea of what your level is now, you can do one of these online tests:

  • Transparent Language (Multiple choice test, covers range of skills, not linked to CEFR, result only as %)
  • Taalthuis (Click check your level for a range of placement tests, When you achieve 80% (displayed at the top) you can go on to take the next level test.)
  • Dialang This placement test tests listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. There are approx. 30 questions per skill and you have 20 - 30 minutes to answer them, although the time itself is not measured. On completion, you can see which questions you answered incorrectly.
    Updated by: SZHB