Horizon Europe: Gender Equality Plan

?Horizon  Europe  sets  gender  equality  as  a  crosscutting  principle and  aims  to  eliminate  gender  inequality and intersecting socio-economic inequalities throughout research and innovation systems, including by addressing unconscious bias and systemic structural barriers.“ (European Union, 2021)

Starting in 2022, the European Commission introduces Gender Equality Plans (GEP) as a new eligibility criterion for public bodies, research organisations and higher education establishments to get access to funding by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027.

The University of Bremen endorses this initiative.


Concept for the Future of Gender Equality of the University of Bremen

The University of Bremen has been pursuing its active equal opportunities policy for almost three decades: it geared its service and advisory structures to gender equality at an early stage, established exemplary support services for various career stages, set up professorships for gender research and accepted gender equality as a constant challenge for the entire institution.

Starting in 2012, the University of Bremen has implemented three gender equality plans. Its current ”Concept for the Future of Gender Equality“ was adopted in 2018. It was developed as part of the application for the third funding round of the Female Professor Program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The University of Bremen has been awarded the distinction ”Equality: excellent!“ for its ”Concept for the Future of Gender Equality“.


Mandatory GEP content areas

To comply with the Horizon Europe GEP eligibility criterion, a GEP must meet four mandatory process-related requirements:

The GEP must be a formal document published on the institution’s website, signed by the top management and actively communicated within the institution.

A GEP must have dedicated resources and expertise in gender equality to implement the plan.

Organisations must provide sex/ gender disaggregated data  and monitoring on personnel and students with annual reporting based on indicators.

The GEP must also include training and awareness-raising actions on gender equality.


Cindy Roitsch

E-Mail: cindy.roitsch

Phone:  (0421) 218 - 60189
Building: GW2
Room: A 4300


Dr. Andrea Gottlieb

E-Mail: eu@vw.uni-bremen.de
Phone:  (0421) 218 - 60322
Building: SFG
Room: 3290


Anneliese Niehoff

E-Mail:  anneliese.niehoff

Phone:  (0421) 218 - 60181
Building: GW2
Room: A 4167

Public document

The Concept for the Future of Gender Equality was adopted by the university executive board in 2018. It forms a sub-strategy of the overall University Strategy 2018–2028. The Concept for the Future of Gender Equality sets clear objectives between 2018 and 2023 in the following focus areas: 

  • Increase the proportion of women in top academic positions
  • Career and staff development with a focus on female early career researchers
  • Acquisition of female students for subjects in which women are underrepresented
  • Sustainable structural anchoring of gender equality measures

Cross-cutting goals are strengthening gender and diversity competencies of university staff in leadership positions and advancing family-friendly working conditions for students and staff.

The Concept for the Future of Gender Equality is available in German and English.


Dedicated resources

The University of Bremen established its staff unit equal opportunities and antidiscrimination as early as 1993. Today, the university has implemented a number of staff units that work towards equality including gender equality, antidscrimination, diversity, inclusion and support for staff and students with care responsibilities. Read more about the various staff units.






The University of Bremen has longstanding expertise in offering gender equality trainings and awareness-raising activities for staff and students. Read more about the different staff units and stakeholders that offer trainings and other staff development measures that aim to advance gender and diversity competencies. 


Data collection and monitoring

The University of Bremen publishes a yearly statistical report that includes gender disaggregated data on all staff categories and students. Access the "President's Report 2020" here.

The targets set out in the "Concept for the Future of Gender Equality" are monitored by the Senator for Science and Ports of the federal state of Bremen via the agreement on targets and perfomance with the university. The last monitoring meeting on gender equality targets of the university and the Senator for Science and Ports took place in 2021.

Being part of the application for the Female Professor's Programme, the Concept for the Future of Gender Equality is evaluated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research after each funding round. The measures and programmes of the Concept for the Future of Gender Equality are evaluated by the participants on a regular basis, they are asked to provide feedback on each training, coaching or lecture. In 2019, the programme perspektive promotion was evaluated externally. Read the evaluation here