Regular courses & intensive courses
Regular courses
Our regular courses usually take place over one semester (15 weeks) and involve 30 or 60 hours of teaching (1 teaching hour = 45 min).
A placement test is obligatory for all courses except beginners' courses.
More information about placement tests can be found on the page for the language you are interested in Languages A-Z.
Intensive courses
Our intensive courses normally take place in the semester break and last one to three weeks. They involve 30 or 60 hours of teaching (1 teaching hour = 45 mins). We also offer a small number of intensive courses during the semester.
We offer intensive courses for both beginners and advanced learners and for a wide variety of languages. Many of our intensive courses are recognised as educational leave in the federal state of Bremen and the course title categorises them as such.
Administrative information
If your course has to be cancelled because there are not enough participants, your course fee can be refunded or you can use it to pay for another course.
When you register for a course at short notice or just before it is due to start, please transfer the course fee immediately and bring your payment confirmation to the first class.