Professor Rolf Drechsler, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science, and Veronika Oechtering, one of the founders of Informatica Feminale and leader of the Center of Excellence for Women in Science and Technology of the University of Bremen, accepted the award at a ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science. The prize is endowed with 2,000 euros. This will be given to individuals and groups from the member faculties and departments of the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science who show outstanding commitment to gender equality in computer science.
“Everyday processes are established – not just in technical degree programs – that contribute to conscious or unconscious stereotyping about gender roles. At the University of Bremen, we want to consciously counteract this with Informatica Feminale. Our goal is to promote sustainable development that encourages more women to participate in computer science in education, research, business, and society,” says Rolf Drechsler. Veronika Oechtering adds: “Almost 3,000 female computer science students have attended Bremen’s Informatica Feminale, often multiple times, and some of these are now professors. At the same time, there is a generational change taking place among female computer scientists: Former participants have now motivated their daughters to attend the summer university. In this way, Informatica Feminale can contribute to a steady increase in the national proportion of women in computer science degree programs.”
About the Informatica Feminale
The Informatica Feminale first took place in 1997 and each year between 200 and 250 women attend. The courses offered during the two- to three-week summer university cover a broad range of topics and the 40 to 50 courses provide both foundational knowledge as well as information on specialized topics. At the same time, Informatica Feminale offers time and space for critical reflection and looking at societal and professional developments in an experimental way. The event is geared towards female students, researchers, prospective students, female professionals, and other interested parties. It is possible for female employees to participate with paid education leave. Following the example of Informatica Feminale, Furtwangen University and the University of Freiburg have offered their own summer universities for women in computer science since 2001 and the University of Salzburg since 2003.
About the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science
The non-profit organization German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science (Fakult?tentag Informatik der Universit?ten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – FTI) has served the interests of over 50 member faculties and departments of universities where computer science is taught and researched since 1973. The German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science supports education and research in computer science by supporting the academic collaboration of its members and coordinating the university education in computer science. This is done by working with committees within and outside of the universities and publishing opinion and position statements on current educational policy issues related to computer science. Members of the board and the academic committee also represent the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science in several national academic organizations.
Further information: (available in German only)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-63932
Email: drechslerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Veronika Oechtering
Head of the Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology
University of Bremen
Phone: +49-421-218-64463
Mobile: 0176-11218807
Email: oechteringprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de