
[Translate to English:] Eine farbenfrohe Fl?che mit der Beschriftung "Verstehen. Ihre Fragen und FAQs"

Understanding - Frequently asked questions

Can I choose a specific project or foundation?

Your donation will go into the endowment fund of the University of Bremen Foundation. The foundation will provide a funding amount (audience award), which you will be able to help decide on in September 2023. At this event, researchers from the University of Bremen will present projects with social relevance.

What exactly will my grant be used for (purpose)?

Your donation is an endowment to the University of Bremen Foundation's endowment fund. In contrast to a donation, the amount you donate is not used directly for funding projects, but is retained and increases the foundation's capital. The income from the foundation's capital (interest, dividends) flows into charitable projects in the long term. The purpose of the University of Bremen Foundation is the promotion of science and research as well as student aid (§ 52 para. 2 sentences 1 and 7 AO).

Do I have a say in how the money is used?

Yes, the University of Bremen Foundation provides a funding amount that you can help decide how it is used in September 2023. This is when THE GOLDEN PLIETSCH will take place for the second time - a public awarding session at which projects from the University of Bremen will be presented. You can have a say in which project should be funded with the GOLDEN PLIETSCH.

How can I pay?

The following payment options are available for your endowment:

    traditional bank transfer

When making a bank transfer, please use the reference "Zustiftung Macht Sinn". If the account holder is different, please refer to the name you entered in the contact form so that we can allocate your transfer.

IBAN: DE46 2905 0101 0001 6125 14

Is there a minimum amount?

No. All amounts are welcome. However, we will thank you with the project book if you donate 50 euros or more. From 5,000 euros, your name will be placed on our donor stele at the Garden of Nations in front of the VWG building.

Are there other benefits for donations above a certain amount?

Yes, if you donate 50 euros or more, we will thank you with a book about the project.
From 5,000 euros, your name will be placed on our donor stele at the Garden of Nations in front of the VWG building if you wish.

Will I receive a donation receipt?

For amounts up to 300 euros, the bank statement serves as proof for the tax office. We issue donation receipts on request and for amounts of 300 euros or more.

My question has not yet been answered!

If you have any further questions, please contact us: stiftung@vw.uni-bremen.de